Don't Get A Parking Ticket Over The Festive Season

Take care where you park during the forthcoming bank holidays

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Drivers can park for free for as long as they like in parking bays on December 26 and 27.  But they should avoid parking on a yellow line on these two days. Although both are bank holidays - yellow line restrictions still apply. This is because most yellow lines are situated at locations where parked vehicles could be a hazard or cause an obstruction.

Drivers who leave their cars in parking bays that are only available for part of the day should check the signs carefully to avoid parking there whilst yellow line restrictions are in force. These bays are mainly found in bus lanes and typically have yellow lines operating in the morning and afternoon rush hours.

Motorists who obstruct driveways or park unlawfully in specialist bays such as doctors' bays and mandatory disabled bays may also be penalised.  Similarly drivers should not park across dropped kerbs. These are found on virtually every street corner and allow disabled people and parents with pushchairs to safely cross the road. As well as receiving a penalty notice, vehicles that block these locations may also be towed away.

The council's environment and community services director Tony McDonald said:
"The vast majority of yellow line restrictions - especially at places like street corners - remain in force on bank holidays.   Drivers can check what the rules are by looking at the small yellow signs that are attached to adjacent lamposts. These will tell you the days of the week and the hours of the day when the restrictions are in force.

"If the sign says that parking is outlawed Monday to Friday then that will include all bank holidays that fall on those days."

December 28, 2011