Commons Conservators Respond On Cycle Path

Following last weeks call from Sustrans to rethink rejection

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Last week Sustrans encouraged the Wimbledon & Putney Commons Conservators to rethink their refusal of improvements to a cycle path on Putney Common.  At the time of going to press there was no response from the Commons Conservators , however PutneySW15 has since heard from Gordon Vincent the Chief Executive of the Commons Conservators:

"The Conservators have had meetings and discussions with Sustrans about these proposals and, prior to the Board meeting, the Conservators consulted with local residents, via Diana Veale who lives in Commondale, and also the Putney Society.  Every response that came back was a resounding “NO” to the Sustrans’ proposals.  The matter was not dismissed out of hand without consideration.  The cycle route is already in place and the Conservators’ refusal to upgrade the path does not mean there is a gap in the Sustrans route.

He continued:
" In a situation like this there will always be those for and against and the Conservators, who have to find a sensible “middle road”, will unfortunately always be criticised by one or other side as being in the wrong".

The cycle path in question is currently signed as a shared path and runs along tech boundary with Putney Hospital site to the bridge over the Wandle.

September 27, 2010