Has Putney Got Talent & Time to Share?

Enthusiasts wanted for community project to improve lives of elderly residents


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For further information contact Mr Innocent Muzwidzwa at ashmead@schealthcare.co.uk, or by telephone 0208 246 6430 and fax 0208 246 6431.

Ashmead Care Centre




Do you have a spare hour or two to share your passion, talent and knowledge with a group of elderly Putney residents? All enthusiasts and ages are most welcome be it music, dance, demonstrations or talks all activities will contribute to a community project which aims to improve the lives of residents at Ashmead Care Centre, Cortis Road, Putney. 

Ashmead is a care centre for the elderly, working mostly with dementia patients.  While care homes do a wonderful job, the monotony of the resident's daily lives can be considerably enhanced by a friendly face and a new activity.

On 10 June, 6.30pm at Ashmead Care Centre, 201 Cortis Road, Putney, London SW15 3AX we are holding an open evening where Putney residents, businesses, activity groups and community organisations are invited to hear about the benefits that the Ashmead residents will gain from having exposure to a new activity or hobby.
By volunteering your talent and offering many new, unusual and interesting activities for these delightful elderly citizens, you really will be showcasing Putney's talent to the max. Suggestions so far have included:
·        Plays, readings or singing with instrumentals
.        Pet therapy (this is bringing in your pet for the residents to see and pat) 
·        Cooking lessons or gardening demonstrations
·        Walks, talks or lectures on areas of interest
·        Beauty afternoons, nail, hair, cosmetics
·        Aerobic and other movement activities on premises (by qualified leaders)

The open evening will provide the opportunity for individuals and/or groups in the community to sign up to a voluntary visit to the home once, or more, in a 12-month period and pose questions to the staff of Ashmead Care Home.
We hope that by bringing new faces into the care centre, the residents will be enlivened and stimulated and regain their passion for life and very much look forward to hearing about the array of Putney talent on offer!

May 19, 2010