Buoyed by outstanding Ofsted result at sister academy
Dame Sally Coates, Executive Principal of ARK Putney Academy is delighted with the outstanding Ofsted result of their sister school Burlington Danes and believes that sharing the expertise that led to this achievement will bolster the success that ARK Putney are already having on their journey to becoming an outstanding school.
Burlington Danes Academy – once labelled one of London’s worst comprehensives – has been judged outstanding by Ofsted in all four categories in a dramatic turnaround.
In 2013 Ofsted rated ARK Putney Academy as good in every category and highlighted students’ progress and achievement at GCSE and in sixth form. Last year, ARK Putney Academy was Wandsworth's most improved school and was in the top 100 most improved schools in Britain.
Dame Sally Coates, Executive Principal at ARK Putney Academy and Principal of Burlington Danes said:
“Although every situation is different, I believe we can bring some of the expertise and support from Burlington Danes becoming an outstanding school and apply them to continue the drive to higher standards and results at ARK Putney Academy. All the evidence shows that the most successful schools are the ones that collaborate – working together in the best interest of pupils. Already rated as good by Ofsted, I know staff and pupils at ARK Putney are working really hard to take this to the next level.”
Alison Downey, (pictured left), Principal of ARK Putney who was previously Vice Principal of Burlington Danes, is committed to providing her students with an outstanding education and building on the academy’s success since joining the ARK network in 2012. The school will be refurbished as part of a major renovation project, due for completion next year.
Alison Downey, Principal of ARK Putney Academy, said:
“As part of the ARK network, ARK Putney shares the vision of creating outstanding schools for local children that deliver high achievement for all students. We are learning from the successes of Burlington Danes and other academies in the ARK Schools network. We’ve already seen great progress at ARK Putney in terms of academic attainment, and we are determined to build on that success.”
December 13, 2013