Free Business Advice Sessions Hailed A Success

100 small firms get high street advice

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More than 100 of Wandsworth’s small business owners and budding entrepreneurs took advantage of free advice sessions and workshops as part of the council’s Business Support on the High Street event last week.

The week long pop-up event, which took place in five libraries across the borough, was a collaboration between Wandsworth Council, small business network Enterprise Nation and business insurance provider Simply Business.

Council business spokesman Guy Senior said:
“The programme was a big success with over 100 small firms taking advantage, including established businesses and those gearing up to launch a new enterprise. The advice and workshops covered finance and cashflow, IT and web, management and leadership and sales and marketing. Feedback has been very good and we hope the programme has made a valuable contribution to our small business economy.”

Local business people who attended the event included luxury handbag designer Esin Akan who wanted tax and financial advice so she could take her business to the next level. She said:
"I am pleased with the number of different support services available - this is just the sort of thing I need. Juggling being a mum with working means you don't have much spare time."

Also at the event was Jay Matic who wants to set up a pop-up Phillipino restaurant in Wandsworth, who gained valuable advice from the council’s food team. He said:
“I live in Battersea and there is no good Philippino food - it's a great opportunity. Andrew the advisor was really helpful. He was able to tell me exactly which websites to go to so I can kick this thing off. I'm very excited."

Roz Hubley, from Hubley PR also took advantage of the free service. She said:
“I just want to say thank you for putting on this Social Media workshop. I found it one of the best presentation I’ve ever attended and I’ve attended quite a few in my time. The content was excellent and did more to help me with my business than any number of on line sessions”.

September 30, 2015