Have Your Say On Wandsworth Broadband Quality

Following revelation of inconsistencies in local internet speeds

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Wandsworth Council has launched a new online survey asking local residents to rate the speed and quality of home broadband services across the borough.

The initiative comes after a study of Ofcom market data revealed inconsistencies in local internet speeds and significant ‘not spots’ where no high speed fibre is available, such as pockets of Southfields and Putney.

The new survey aims to measure residents’ views and develop the council’s evidence base.

Results could be used to lobby for new investment in the borough’s broadband infrastructure and secure a better deal for local consumers.

This first piece of council research focusses on the domestic market. A second online survey is set to follow investigating business broadband services and the impacts of weak and strong performance on the local economy.

Ravi Govindia, council leader, said: “We know that slow and unreliable broadband is a serious problem for some households. It’s a very common complaint we hear as local councillors. Our study of Ofcom’s data shows the issue can be very localised, with pockets of poor  provision and sharp differences in speeds from one street to the next.

“The council has an important role to play in pinpointing the weak spots, demonstrating local demand and convincing the industry to prioritise investment in our borough. This research will help us understand the local domestic market in more detail and will be followed up with a business focussed survey in the weeks ahead.

“Fast, reliable broadband can no longer be considered a luxury service. It is a tool that allows thousands of local people to work from home and carry out vital day-to-day tasks. It helps keep people connected to their friends and loved ones and more uses are emerging all the time. A post code lottery would mean some of our residents are being held back and this has to be challenged.

“For businesses the issue is even more profound. A weak service can be completely debilitating and entire industries could be excluded from trading within a low speed area. It’s a particularly significant issue for a small business economy like Wandsworth’s with so many creative and digital firms.”

The survey, launched on Friday July 24th, asks residents to rate their current internet service in terms of speed, reliability and value for money.


July 28, 2015