Transport Improvements Ahead For Roehampton & Putney Heath

Council asks residents to take part in a transport survey


To take part in the survey using Stickyworld visit

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People who live, work or travel in Roehampton are being invited to have their say over transport in the area as part of a project to improve it.

Wandsworth Council has launched a transport survey in Roehampton and Putney Heath ward to find out what people think about things like bus provision, access to local rail routes, cycle lanes and roads and pavements.

Officers at the town hall will then use the information to look at measures that could be introduced to improve transport in Roehampton.

The bid to enhance and improve the area’s transport network will support the council’s ongoing major improvement project for the town centre and Danebury Avenue area, which aims to make Roehampton an even better place to live through physical changes and by creating more opportunities for people to succeed in life.

Wandsworth’s transport spokesman, Councillor Russell King, said:
“We are committed to doing everything we can to make travelling in Roehampton a better experience so that people have easy access to work and services.

“Local people might want us to talk to TfL about increasing bus provision or introducing more bus shelters. Or they might think the council should look at whether more can be done to make travel safer and more convenient for cyclists and pedestrians. The people living and working in the ward know what areas need improving – so whatever they feel the most important issues are we want to hear from them.”

To give members of the public an easy way to share opinions and discuss any travel-related issues, a new Stickyworld project has been unveiled.

Stickyworld enables people to submit comments, questions or problems about anything to do with transport by putting virtual 'sticky notes' on to online maps and 360 degree images of the area.

Once a note has been stuck on a map or image, others can add their comments or carry on conversations.

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In addition to the online element of the transport survey, there is also a physical display in the council's Western Area Office, in Holybourne Avenue, SW15 4JE to allow people to give their views without being online. Alternatively the computers at Roehampton Library can be used to access Stickyworld.

Residents who previously requested to be involved in further discussion around improvement work in Roehampton should have received a physical transport survey through the post. If you live in Roehampton and would prefer to take part by completing this survey you can do so online by visiting

If you have any questions about the council’s major improvement project in Roehampton email

April 24, 2013