Residents Called On To Help Shape Roehampton

As council prepares to invest millions in the area


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Residents are being called on to help shape the future of Roehampton town centre , as Wandsworth Council is preparing to invest millions of pounds in the area as part of an ambitious and exciting bid to improve the town centre, the quality of housing and local shops.

Roehampton residents are being invited to work with the council to see how improvements can be made. As part of this, the town hall wants members of the public to help explore how access to services can be improved, particularly in areas like employment, training, education, health and community safety.

Leader of Wandsworth Council, Councillor Ravi Govindia, said:
“This is the start of what promises to be an exciting time for the community in and around Roehampton town centre. We want to improve the quality of housing, local shops and community facilities while at the same time improving services for residents.

“However, we cannot do this alone. We have no firm proposals on the table and so need the help of residents to explore early ideas and shape future plans for the town centre. Our aim is a simple one - to ensure that Roehampton continues to be an area that everyone is proud to call home.”

The town hall has for some time been looking at ways to improve the area around the centre, with previous proposals to refurbish and rebuild the area around Allbrook House and Danebury Avenue having to be shelved in 2009 due to the onset of the recession.

There are no longer any firm proposals, but the same area is being looked at for improvement, providing such work safeguards, protects and enhances the interests of local people and businesses.

Should local people want to see redevelopment take place, officers at the town hall believe the regeneration process could take about five years to complete.

Drop-in sessions for residents will be taking place in the weeks ahead to help with early thinking, and more detailed consultation on any options will begin in September.

For more information about the council’s desire to regenerate Roehampton visit or email

This regeneration initiative is part of the council’s wider ambitions for the area. Council officers are working with families in the area and across the borough who need extra support and help – and Roehampton is a priority area for improvement of local GP-led health services.

June 26, 2012