Waitrose Extension Application Rejected

But they have appealed against the decision to the Secretary of State


Putney Exchange Shopping Centre, High St, SW15 1TW

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At the beginning of the year Waitrose applied to replace the shop fronts to Units 38-43 Putney Exchange fronting Lacy Road and amalgamate 25-29 Lacy Road (units 41-43) with the supermarket (Waitrose). Remove the public entrance from Lacy Road into shopping centre.

Reaction on the forum from members was mixed although the majority were not against the expansion of Waitrose but concerned regarding the closure of the Lacey Rd entrance - not only for evacuation but general access and the concerns over busier entrance fighting against the tide of general pedestrians on the High Street.

This month Wandsworth Council planning department refused the application but Waitrose have appealed to the Secretary of State for Communities & Local Government.

All documents for & against the application will be copied to the Secret ay of State but any additional representations or if you wish to modify or withdraw your previous comments you should write quoting APP/H5960/A/11/2161150/NWF sending 3 copies of your letter to:
The Planning Inspectorate
Room 3/20 Wing Temple Quay House
2 The Square
Temple Quay

or email: teamP16@pins.gsi.gov.uk

To review the appeal documents go to Wandsworth.gov.uk quoting Council ref 2011/0109


September 28, 2011