Residents Association Formed To Fight 'Blades' Development
Committee invites residents to join

Planning Application 2012/1833.
45-53 Putney High Street and 329-339 Putney Bridge Road, SW15

Proposed ariel view from Townscape report
Full application (2012/1833)

Residents Association To Form To Fight 'Blades' Development

Putney Society Objects To 'Blades' Planning Application

Thamesfield Councillors Join Forces With Residents

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Comments on the forum

Burstock Road Residents Association officially formed yesterday. Michèle  Bailey the Secretary told that it was "formed in order to have a stronger voice against the overwhelming proposed development. Burstock Road will be directly affected by the Blades so we hope to protect our homes and environment by coming together to object with one voice."

The committee members are:
Chairman - Jeremy Cox,
Vice Chair - Conrad Margoles RIBA
Secretary - Michèle Bailey

All residents are invited to join the association, there is a £5 fee per household. This
entitles members to have a vote in any decisions we need to take and attend the AGM. For more information email Michèle

At the end of this week the group will be submitting their full letter of objection by the end of the week




Architects plans show the 15 storey as seen from Putney Bridge Rd (top of a double decker shown on high street)

August 10, 2012