Consultation on loading and parking proposals: your views needed by 29th September
The following is taken from a leaflet produced by Wandsworth Council - you can download a copy.
Air quality along Putney High Street exceeds air
quality targets for NO2 (nitrogen dioxide) with
emissions from vehicles mostly to blame. A great
deal of work has already been undertaken by
Wandsworth Council, the Greater London Authority
(GLA) and Transport for London (TfL) but further
work is still required to improve air quality.
A study undertaken in 2011 revealed that buses
were responsible for 68 per cent of NOx (oxides of
nitrogen) emissions in the high street whilst only
accounting for 10 per cent of the vehicle fleet. The
evidence was used to lobby TfL for improvements
to be made to the bus fleet travelling along Putney
High Street.
As a result buses were fitted with technology to
reduce their NOx emissions. Air quality monitoring
indicates that there were 71 per cent fewer
exceedences of the hourly air quality target for NO2
in 2013 compared against 2010 to 2012 levels.
These improvements coincide with the upgrading of
the buses using the High Street.
However, further work is needed to work towards
achieving the air quality targets. Putney High Street
remains a very congested road with stop-start
traffic flow, that is affected adversely by vehicles
delivering in the high street. Therefore we are
seeking to further improve air quality by improving
traffic flows.
Proposal details
The council is asking businesses and residents
to support them in helping to make Putney
High Street a better place to live, work and
do business.
The aim of the proposal is to encourage
businesses to adopt delivery patterns and
practices that do not affect traffic flow along Putney High Street. The proposal would place
restrictions on deliveries so that they can only
occur between 7pm and 7am, and where this is
not possible, off-street loading/delivery bays
could be provided.
Loading would be prohibited by the introduction
of loading restrictions in Putney High Street,
operating from 7am to 7pm, Monday to
Saturday. During these times vehicles would not
be permitted to stop on yellow lines to
load/unload as they do now. Instead, it is
proposed that loading bays operating from 7am
to 7pm, Monday to Saturday, would be provided
in the side streets (Disraeli Road, Montserrat
Road and Werter Road) to allow businesses to
receive deliveries. These would be in addition to
the existing loading bays in Lacy Road and in
Norroy Road.
The proposed locations of the loading bays are
near the junction with Putney High Street, in
order to make them practical for businesses to
use. The existing parking facilities which
currently occupy these spaces would need to be
relocated elsewhere in the street. Details of the
proposed new locations for these facilities are
shown on the enclosed plan and outlined in the
accompanying table of information. We have
tried to minimise any changes to parking
spaces where resident permit holders may park.
Tell us your views
You now have the opportunity to let us know
your views on this proposal. Should you have
any comments or wish to express a preference
for an alternative arrangement, please do so in
the comments box provided on the consultation
questionnaire. A decision will be made once we
have taken all relevant factors into account and
your view will help inform our decision. We wish
to base our recommendations for changes (if
any) on a good response rate. Please complete
the questionnaire (download copy) and return it to reach
us by Monday 29 September 2014.
Further information
The committee report that details the
background to these proposals (Paper No. 14-376) can be viewed on the council’s website by
clicking on “Meetings” in the left-hand menu
under the heading “Council and democracy”,
followed by “Meetings” in the left-hand menu
again, and then clicking on the Strategic
Planning and Transportation Overview and
Scrutiny Committee and the 1 July 2014
meeting date.
If, after considering the outcome of this
consultation and all relevant matters, it is
recommended that the measures outlined in
this consultation should be introduced, then
there would need to be the formal processes to
approve and implement the measures. We will
write to you again to confirm the outcome of the
consultation, the decision of the committee and
the implementation date, if appropriate.
If you would like to discuss any aspect of
this consultation, please contact Steve Lane
on (020) 8871 8044 or email
Yours faithfully
Wale Adeyoyin
Head of Parking, Road Safety and
Highway Infrastructure
September 11, 2014