Disappointed & Concerned

8 Lower Common South - feedback from the Chairman of the Putney Common Association

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Below is a letter from the Technical Services Department of Wandsworth Council.

So now we know that if you demolish a Victorian house in a Conservation Area without planning permission because it isn’t big enough or beautiful enough for your development purposes, it won’t be in ‘the public interest’ for the Wandsworth Council  to do anything about it.

No hostility. No legal proceedings. No fine. Nothing. Not in the public interest.

AG McDonald, BA(Hons) Dip TP MRTPI  has set a very dangerous precedent.


Michael Whitehall

Chairman. Putney Common Association

Jt. Chairman. West Putney Conservation Group



Wandsworth Council
Technical Services Department
The Town Hall
Wandsworth High Street
London SW18 2PU
Please contact: Elizabeth Hislop
Telephone: (020) 8871 6559
Fax: (020) 8871 6003
Email: boroughplanner@wandsworth.gov.uk
Minicom: (020) 8871 8403
Our ref: 2010/0342/ENF
Date: 1 March 2011

Dear Mr Whitehall

8 Lower Common South, SW15 1BP

I am writing regarding the planning enforcement investigation into the above property. As
you are aware, the Planning Applications Committee met on 10th February 2011.

The report from the Borough Solicitor advised that it would not be in the public interest to
proceed with a prosecution relating to the demolition of a house in a conservation area.
Planning permission was granted in September 2010 for “Erection of three-storey plus
basement replacement house.”

I have now closed the planning enforcement investigation. Thank you for your interest in
this matter.

Angie Fenton
for Director of Technical Services

March 3, 2011