Improving Putney High Street

Putney Society Public Meeting Tonight, 7:30pm – 9:30pm

High Street Smashes Annual Limits By 10th Day of 2013

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The Society has been working for some time on a campaign to improve air quality on Putney High Street. Progress has been made with the introduction of new hybrid and other low-emission buses, thanks to the Council’s support, but much more remains to be done.

How can the High Street environment be further improved, not just the air quality but also the street layout? Could further de-cluttering be undertaken? Would widening the pavements for the benefit of pedestrians make the smoother flow of traffic – important in minimising pollution – more difficult? Is there anything to be done about traffic volumes and can the free-for-all of delivery lorries be better managed? Should a 20 mph limit be introduced? Are there other pedestrian and cyclist-friendly measures which could be taken?

Speakers will include David Irwin, a long time Putney resident and Society member and town planner who has developed his own proposal to improve the High Street; Cllr Jonathan Cook, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for the Environment, and Cllr Russell King, Cabinet Member for Planning and Transportation, who together will set out the Council’s current approach and plans for the future of our High Street.

Following these talks will be a panel discussion, to include Jon Irwin, Co-Chair of the Wandsworth Environmental Forum.

Come to The Brewer Building, St Mary’s Church, Putney Bridge SW15 1HL and have your say on how your High Street environment can be further improved.

Open to all members and friends

January 24, 2013

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