You'll Have A Laugh At Putney Arts Theatre

Always Be Comedy night on 24th November

Available online at
Available over the phone on 0208 788 6943

Available at Putney Arts Theatre, Ravenna Road, Putney, SW15 6AW

Doors open at 7pm, show starts at 7.45pm

Booking in advance is advisable as seating is limited

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Bringing the best and brightest up-and-coming comedians performing new and exclusive material just for you.

With MC James Gill overseeing proceedings, our second night promises an amazing line up, with resident comedian ROMESH RANGANATHAN performing alongside SARAH KENDALL, DAVID TRENT and JULIAN DEANE

Following the sell-out success of our first Always Be Comedy night, don't miss out on the hottest comedy names with brand new and exclusive material! Our last audience had a ball....

" Just back from the Always Be Comedy night and it was blimmin' yourself in for the next one now! And the one after, and the one after that...."

"Haven't laughed that much in ages. My stomach muscles hurt!"

"It was fantastic!! I lost my voice from laughing too much..."

Tickets are £7 online and £8 via box office/on the door. 

Date: Sunday 24th November
Time: 7.45pm (door and bar opens 7pm)

November 23, 2013

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