What's On At Putney Arts Theatre?

Forthcoming productions on Ravenna Road


Putney Arts Theatre
Ravenna Road,
SW15 6AW

0208 8788 6943

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Fri 12 – Sat 13 and Thurs 18 – Sat 20 October
by Dawn King
In a near-future-England where the ‘red beast’ is a public enemy, Samuel and Judith have had a dreadful year. In a world of rations and scarcity, their struggling farm is under suspicion of vulpine interference and a ‘foxfinder’ arrives to investigate. Will he find contamination or collaboration; denial or denunciation? This production marks the amateur premiere of this tense and haunting drama, winner of the Papatango New Writing competition 2011.
Not suitable for children.
In the Antony Bridges Studio
Tickets £10/£7

October 12, 2012

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