Macmillan Cancer Support The World’s Biggest Coffee Morning

This Friday in All Saints' Church Putney, Common


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It's Macmillan's biggest fundraising event, where they ask people across the UK to hold a coffee morning and raise money for people living with cancer. In 2014, a record £25,102,796 was raised.

You can join in at the annual coffee morning held in All Saints' Church Putney Common this Friday (25 September) from 10 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.

Do go to enjoy coffee,tea, cakes and a chat with the people of Putney. Help the charity which supports so many in the really hard times when friends and family have cancer.

Cancer is the toughest fight most of us will ever face. And as treatments improve, more and more people are living with cancer in their daily lives. The money you raise at your coffee morning will help make sure no one has to face cancer alone, from the moment they’re diagnosed, through treatment and beyond.

September 22, 2015
September 22, 2015September 24, 2015