Bake Fair For Fairtrade With Oxfam & Justine Greening MP

This month Putney Bake Club is having a very special meeting and you’re invited!

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Each month we have a theme, but this month is something special, we are baking fair for Fairtrade in support of Oxfam’s IF campaign . This means our bakers can bring any baked good they want as long as they contains Fairtrade/locally sourced ingredients. We are sure to have alarge variety of bakes and as we are now up to 50 members it’s likely to be a big event.

Aside from all the normal bake club fun (meeting new people, chatting, eating bakes and taking things home to try later) we’ve also got some speakers coming to speak to us. Saadia from Oxfam will be talking about the IF campaign and how decisions that we make about food can impact what people are eating on the other side of the world. Divine Chocolate have kindly donated a book to raffle as well as some treats for members. Jane Peyton is also coming to talk to us about Fairtrade and how it’s so much more than
chocolate and coffee these days.

We also have a special guest this month in Justine Greening, as our local MP she wanted to come along and meet some of her constituents, and as Head of DifD we want to show her how we support the IF campaign.

Putney Bake Club would love to have you come along, enjoy the cakey bakey fun and find out why so many people are joining a local Baking club. If you’d like to come or know more just get in touch via the contact below.

The event takes place on Saturday 25th May at 4pm at Moomba, Putney. 

May 9, 2013

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