Young People Ready For Rowing Contest | ||||
Putney youth club stages borough wide competition with London Youth Rowing
A Putney-based Ashburton Youth Club has organised the Wandsworth Interclub Rowing Competition, which will test the sporting prowess of young people across the borough, in celebration of the London Olympics. Starting next week, four youth centres will be competing against each other in a bid to win a free taster rowing day at the Chiswick Boathouse. Each night during the week a different centre will host a rowing session using five rowing machines brought in by London Youth Rowing. Young people who attend the youth centre will take it in turns rowing for one minute spells over a two hour period – and the centre with the furthest distance recorded at the end of the session will be presented with the champion’s trophy and taster day. The contest begins on Monday March 26, when young people at the Training and Resource Centre, in Alma Road, Wandsworth, test out their ability on the machines. The competition continues at Tooting Hub on Tuesday 27 and at the Devas Youth Club on Thursday 29 before ending at the Ashburton Youth Club on Friday, March 30. All the youth centres involved are calling on young people in the area to pay a visit and take part in the competition. Individual centre champions – those who clocked up the furthest distance – will also be crowned when the results are announced.