Angry Birds Putney Christmas Safari Winners

Angry Birds spotted all over Putney


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During December six, large, soft toy ‘Angry Birds’ were roosting in various Putney locations and had been spotted and photographic evidence taken by over 80 residents and visitors.... you had to be quick as they kept changing their roosts.

Simon Edwards of ticl media told that:
"The competition was so popular we decided to award more than the six birds we planned!"

Ben Nicholson aged 5 ¾ found and won the boomerang bird in The Parson’s Nose


Billy Baker aged 13 found and won the red bird in McDonald’s

Max Marcantonio aged 12 found and won the red bird in Waitrose


7 year old Monty Lovell (who wants to be known as ‘The Angry Bird Hunter’) found and won the yellow bird from the Mobile Phone Clinic

ticl have plans for more interactive competitons around Putney next year so watch this space!

December 28, 2012