Active-8 Gets Kids From Brandlehow School Active

Following a master class five pupils signed up for the programme


Maloca Putney

Brandlehow School

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Active8 have reported a shift of focus beyond Elliott School to engage inactive kids.  This has made a big difference and they have seen an immediate improvement.  Almost 120 kids attended a Zumba and Capoeira masterclass at Brandlehow School.  The PE Director there has been working well with Maloca and the result is that five kids are now on the programme.    

Steve Cabrera of Jubilee Hall Trust said:
"Special thanks goes out to Catalina and Giuseppe Vitolo for their commitment and resilience in accomplishing this.  They are working hard to fill the remaining 15 funded places."

In addition Maloca and Brandlehow school have created an after school club including Zumba and Capoeira at the school.  8 places in the club will be reserved for Active8 participants.  This will help engage more inactive kids as the programme will be taken to them rather than require them to travel to attend their Active8 funded courses.

What is Active8?
Our friends at Open Cinema have completed a three minute introduction video explaining Active8:

May 28, 2012

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