Dates for your diary, Local Issues, Events & more
Welcome to the summer edition of our e-bulletin which we hope you find helpful and informative. Please feel free to forward this e-bulletin to friends and neighbours in the area who might be interested.
8 Lower Common South
We know this is of great concern to local residents and took up the problem of the unauthorised demolition of this property as soon as we became aware of it.
Demolition of the whole house at No 8 has not been approved. The only approval granted was for demolition of the extension in order to carry out the approved works which can be viewed under application number 2009/4446.
In breach of the permission the developer has demolished wholesale the entire house which is situated in the Putney Lower Common Conservation area. This is a criminal offence and the owners have been advised of this in writing. We are disappointed and annoyed by the demolition. If the applicant is prosecuted resulting in a criminal record a judge will need to be satisfied that the officers have tried to resolve the matter through the planning system in the first instance.
A Planning Enforcement Officer has undertaken an extensive photographic survey of the site and has established that the vast majority of the bricks and other architectural features have been retained, cleaned and stored.
Since the whole house has been demolished in breach of granted approval, permission is now required as soon as possible for its reinstatement. Neighbours and others will be consulted on the plans. This gives the Council the opportunity, if permission is granted, to condition and control the materials used and detailing. It will also ensure that the maximum amount of original material and features are used and that any new material matches the original and are of a high quality.
The contractors have no permission to do any work above basement level. As soon as the plans are submitted we will report further. The planning committee is still free to bring an enforcement action
when all the facts are established. They considered an interim report at their meeting in June (item 2).
The Conservation area character statement (p20 covers Putney Lower Common) is available at
Replacement of gas mains on Upper Richmond Road
6th July – 25th October 2010
Following advance notification in our June e-bulletin this is a reminder that Southern Gas Network is about to embark on major mains replacement works on Upper Richmond Road.
Works will commence on Tuesday 6th July 2010 for a period of approximately 16 weeks, from Ravenna Road Junction to Dryburgh Road. Completion is anticipated on the 25th October.
Upper Richmond Road will be one way from the junction of Dryburgh Road for eastbound traffic travelling towards Putney High Street. Local traffic will be able to gain access westbound to Ravenna and Burston Road from Putney High Street. All non-local traffic will be diverted via Tibbets Corner onto the A3 Kingston Bypass and finally turning right into Roehampton Lane (A306).
The works will be carried out 7 days a week as follows:
Monday to Friday - 8am – 10pm (no noisy works will take place after 6pm)
Saturday - 8am – 4pm (no noisy works will take place after 1pm)
Sunday - 9am – 1pm (no noisy works will take place on this day)
We have been informed by TfL that three bus routes will be diverted and that buses must serve all bus stops on diversion if so requested.
Route 337 – towards Richmond
From Upper Richmond Road at Putney Hill, left Putney Hill, right Wildcroft Road, bear right Putney Heath, right Dover House Road, left Upper Richmond Road to line of route.
Route 430 – towards Roehampton
From Putney High Street at Putney Hill, ahead Putney Hill, right Wildcroft Road, bear right Putney Heath to line of route.
Route N74 – towards Roehampton
From Putney High Street at Putney Hill, ahead Putney Hill, right Wildcroft Road, bear right Putney Heath, right Dover House Road, left Upper Richmond Road, left Roehampton Lane to line of route.
Unfortunately, delays are expected on routes 14, 37, 39, 74, 85, 93, 170, 424 and 493 as a result of the works.
Further information can be obtained from Don Ogunyemi on 8871 6712 or email Southern Gas can be contacted via their engineers, Morrisons on 020 8687 3510. The TfL contact is Hayley James, 020 3054 2390
Richmond Park parking charges
Recently Eric Pickles, the new Minister for Local Government, confirmed that control of the Royal Parks would be passed to the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson who announced that he would not proceed with the proposed parking charges in Richmond Park. Despite this, the Royal Parks Agency do not seem to believe this will happen and have proceeded with an application for planning consent. We consider this a gross waste of time and money on behalf the agency, and a waste of the time and expense of the planners in Richmond. The delay, we believe, is due to a move by certain local authorities to take over responsibility for individual parks rather than a transfer to the Mayor. For instance, Greenwich Park could go to Greenwich Council, St James’s Park and Green Park could go to the City of Westminster, etc. Wandsworth already controls our borough parks including Battersea Park.
The application is for the installation of pay & display machines, ancillary signage and wooden bollards at seven of the car parks – Roehampton, Sheen Gate, Robin Hood Gate, Broomfield Hill, Kingston Gate, Pembroke Lodge and Pen Ponds.
Representations can be made online at (application no. 10/1193). Cllr Torrington has objected formally as a local councillor. Further updates will follow when more information is available
Lights on Putney Bridge
The Council has received agreement from the Port of London Authority to carry out the work to replace the floodlights under Putney Bridge. These are not the navigation lights or the street lights. Following consultation with TfL buses and Hammersmith & Fulham works will start on 5 July, for up to 2 weeks,
The Council has been continuing to press Thames Water about the leaks which are undermining the road surface and need to be remedied before resurfacing the bridge. The main investigations on Putney Bridge have been carried out. Those inside the bridge structure found the volume of water flowing through it has increased significantly and is coming from leaking water mains.
Lower Richmond Road – traffic safety measures
A local safety scheme is to be introduced on Lower Richmond Road to improve road safety. This road has consistently shown a high road traffic accident record. The scheme was approved by the Strategic Planning & Transport committee at their June meeting see
The proposals are intended to slow traffic, improve visibility at junctions and improve conditions for cyclists. They include raised junction entry treatments at the junctions with Putney Common, Sefton Street, Erpingham Road, Fanthorpe Street, Danemere Street, Stanbridge Road, Farlow Road and Bendemeer Road. Investigations are proposed for the introduction of a controlled crossing for pedestrians at the western end of Lower Richmond Road and on Queen’s Ride to benefit pedestrians on the Greenways route as well as those playing cricket on the common. A right turn lane will be introduced into Thames Place to assist cyclists and other right turning westbound traffic. The road safety scheme will result in an investment of £205,000.
Possibility of a free school on the Putney Hospital site
We have received a number of comments in response to the idea to use the former Putney Hospital site for a “free” community school. The decision as to whether the Primary Care Trust declares the site surplus to requirements is still awaited. In the meantime, we can respond to some of the points raised.
There are already a number of primary schools in Putney, why do we need another one?
Three of the primary schools in Thamesfield are faith schools – All Saints on Putney Common, St Mary’s on Felsham Road and Our Lady of Victories on Clarendon Drive. Brandlehow and Hotham are the only two community schools. Brandlehow has 30 spaces in its reception class and Hotham has 60 spaces giving a total of only 90 spaces for both boys and girls. These figures include an increase in the number of spaces in reception year which take effect in September 2010 to accommodate an additional 15 children at each of Hotham and Brandlehow making a total of 30 additional places this September.
Despite this, the birth rate is such in Putney that another school is going to be required in the near future, even after having considerably expanded the capacity of our existing schools. The houses in Putney are ideal for families and the location is such that people are choosing to stay in London and educate their children here. This trend is on the increase.
The Conservatives' proposals for 'Free Schools' will be open to anyone wishing to set up a non-fee paying school so there could be many more schools in the area as a result.
Why is the site not being used for a secondary school?
There are several secondary schools in the maintained sector which serve the Putney catchment. Ashcroft Technology Academy on West Hill has 210 spaces for new admissions with 1,117 pupils on roll , Elliott School is a foundation school on Pullman Gardens with space for 210 spaces for new admissions and a total of 979 pupils on roll. The Putney Hospital site is a relatively small site for a secondary school of around 1,000 pupils. The current demand is such that we appear to have adequate places in schools nearby to accommodate secondary school children under current legislation.
Will a school on the hospital site need planning permission?
If this proposal goes ahead, it will be subject to the normal rigorous planning considerations. The normal consultation and traffic assessments and surveys, the assessment to establish the impact on local environment will have to be carried out.
Why is the site not being used for alternative health provision?
The site is currently in the ownership and control of the PCT (primary care trust). The Council does not have control over the PCT budgets or strategy nor the decision where to site a particular health care facility. If and when the site is declared surplus to requirements the Council has the first option to acquire the land. If the Council does not take up its option the site would be sold on the open market and will be developed by a new owner. Whilst this might be a health care provider they will need to secure planning permission and anyone who acquires the site will need to raise the funds to build something on the site.
What are the next steps?
We will need to await the PCT’s official decision for the site.
Detailed information on the criteria and process for setting up a new school can be found at
A proposal form can be downloaded at
Planning matters
4-6 Putney High Street, Application No 2010/1974
An application has been made by Clifford Gardner Associates to amend various earlier planning applications for this property which was the former Dowell Lloyds building on the corner of the High Street and Lower Richmond Road. Although extremely slow in implementing it, Mr Gardner currently has permission for use of the basement and ground floors as a restaurant/café (A3/A4) and for use of the upper floors as 1 x 3-bedroom and 1 x 2-bedroom and 1 x 1-bedroom flats. The amendments include provision of renewable energy facilities including photovoltaic cells to the rear elevation and a green roof. The property is located in the Putney Embankment Conservation area. Further details from the planning officer Laura Nieves, 8871 6644.
The Lodge, Putney Lower Common, Application No 2010/2555
An application has been made for a single-storey side extension and the installation of two dormers in the western roof slope. The consultation period continues until 15 July. Further details from the planning officer, Laura Nieves, 8871 6644.
McDonalds Restaurants Ltd, 84 Putney High Street, Application No 2010/2447
An application has been made to extend the opening hours so that the restaurant is open from 0600 to midnight from Sunday to Thursday and from 0600 to 2am on Friday and Saturday on a permanent basis. Details from Laura Nieves as above. Although the nature of this application and the following
one concerns licensing, the applicant has to obtain both planning and licensing approval before extending their licensing hours.
The Rump Steak House, Putney High Street, Application No 2010/1865
An application has been made to vary condition 4 of the planning permission of 1995 so as to allow the restaurant to remain open from 10am to 1am from Sunday to Wednesday and from 10am to 2am from Thursday to Saturday. Details from Claire Brown 8871 8410.
Prospect Quay, Lightermans Walk, (Riverside Quarter), Application No 2010/0630
Permission has been granted to Prospect Mooring Ltd for an extension by 17 metres of the existing mooring structure to provide additional moorings to the north for 3-4 additional vessels in residential use, comprising floating pontoons and three mooring piles.
Gatehouse Nursery, 107-109 Norroy Road
Asquith Nurseries Ltd has lost its appeal to abolish a condition of its original planning permission. The existing first floor balcony on the west side of the building remains conditioned and may not be used as an outdoor play space or similar purpose in order to protect the privacy and prevent overlooking of adjoining neighbours. The original application - 2004/3216.
Advertising hoardings on Lower Richmond Road
The number of hoardings for advertisements is growing on Lower Richmond Road. The enforcement team has served Discontinuance Notices in relation to advertisements at numbers 48, 50, 53, 64, 78, 85, 93, 132, 141, 171, 173, 191 and 209 Lower Richmond Road. The notices require the advertisments to be taken down. For further information please contact Liz Hislop on 8871 6559
Montserrat Road – backland sites
Residents of Montserrat Road are becoming increasingly concerned about anti-social behaviour in the area immediately behind Top Shop/Top Man.
A meeting has been held between the police and local councillors to discuss the issues. The main problem is who owns which bit of land and who owns the other bits. The drive way immediately behind the shops is owned by BT and gives access to the telephone exchange, although the stores in Putney High Street have a right of way over it. The site of the former No 2 Montserrat Road is owned by BHS and the site of the former No 4 Montserrat Road is also owned by BT.
There is a derelict brick structure on the site which appears to straddle the two sites and this has become a home-from-home for vagrants, drunks and others. Neither BHS or British Telecom will admit ownership, so in the meantime, arrangements are in hand for the council to board it up and the bill will be sent to the relevant companies.
Advice on urban foxes
Following the distressing events in Hackney we have received some enquiries about foxes in back gardens. Information and advice is available on the council's website.
There is also extensive advice to be found via the following links.
Most complaints about foxes relate to their presence in gardens. Residents can do a lot themselves to deter foxes.
· House domestic pets and poultry in fox-proof accommodation.
· Refrain from feeding household pets in the garden.
· Ensure that meat and household waste is not put on compost heaps.
· Store refuse in containers or dustbins and not in plastic bags outside. Preferably do not put refuse out until the day of collection.
· Do not leave food out for foxes as this will only encourage them and increase the number of foxes the area will sustain. The most humane and natural way to control the fox population and restrict their numbers is to limit their food supply.
Foxes can also be deterred by clearing undergrowth and thick vegetation so they do not have shelter. Fencing can prevent access to gardens. Make sure fencing does not have gaps or holes in it.
As with any pest, responsibility for dealing with foxes lies with the landowner and householders are strongly advised to contact a professional pest control company.
Dog Control orders – in force from 26 July
Dog Control Orders officially come into force on Monday 26 July . The council is seeking to ensure that all open spaces, the borough's highways and pavements are regulated by a single piece of legislation. In Thamesfield “poop scoop” and “dogs on lead” regulations apply on Putney Lower Common Cemetary and St Mary’s Church. Dogs are banned in specific areas of Leader’s Gardens and Wandsworth Park. These include the playgrounds and tennis courts. There is also a ban throughout Putney Leisure Centre and on Waterman’s Green. Dogs need to be on leads in the seating area in front of the Culture Café in Wandsworth Park. Dogs need NOT be on leads on the Riverside Walk or elsewhere in Wandsworth Park or in Leaders Gardens although these areas are “poop scoop” areas throughout.
With regards to dogs on the public highway and associated pavements, the following will be introduced:
1. Owners will be required to pick up after their dogs whenever or wherever they foul.
2. Dogs must be kept on a lead at all times.
3. A maximum of four dogs may be walked by any individual.
The following aspects of dog control are covered by the orders:
- Fouling of land by dogs - an offence is committed when the person in charge of a dog fails to remove faeces deposited by the dog. This will apply borough-wide.
- Areas where dogs are required to be on leads - an offence is committed when the person in charge of a dog fails to keep the dog on a lead. This will apply on all public highways including pavements, tree bases, grass verges, grass amenity areas adjacent to highways and road gutters, and will also apply to car parks and café outdoor eating areas within parks and open spaces.
- The requirement for a dog to be put on a lead at the direction of an authorised officer - an offence is committed when the person in charge of a dog fails to put and keep the dog on a lead when instructed to do so by a Parks Police or Dog Control Officer. Enforcement in this area will be both pragmatic and appropriate.
- The exclusion of dogs from specified areas - an offence is committed when the person in charge of a dog takes it onto or permits it to enter or remain in an area where dogs are excluded. This will apply to children's playgrounds, sports facilities, lakes, ponds, water features and to some very small parks.
The maximum number of dogs that an individual may take onto specified areas - an offence is committed when the person in charge of more than one dog takes more dogs into an area than is permitted by the maximum limit. The maximum limit of four dogs will apply borough-wide with the exception of licensed multiple dog walkers in certain parks and open spaces.
To view all the parks and open spaces to which these orders apply go to
RSPCA Animal Hospital on Clarendon Drive
Conversations are continuing between the RSPCA and local councillors and an update will be included in future bulletins when there is some definitive news. Watch this space.
There have been two recent applications in Thamesfield, both with deadlines for representations during July.
Browns, 11/11A Charlwood Road, SW15 1PJ (Mr Patel’s newsagents)
An application has been made to sell alcohol for consumption off the premises between 08.00 hours and 23.00 hours Monday to Saturday, 10.00 hours and 22.30 hours Sunday. The last date for representations is 5 July.
Strada, 147 Upper Richmond Road, SW15 2XT
An application has been made to remove the restriction on the part of the premises where alcohol can only be served to customers who are eating; to only allow alcohol, throughout the premises for consumption on the premises, to be served by waiter/waitress service to persons who are seated or who are waiting to be seated; to remove the restriction of licensable activities on Good Friday to place licensable activity in line with all other Fridays; to remove the embedded restrictions relating to children under 14. The last day for representations is 13 July.
Please feel free to copy us into any representations. You will find advice about how to raise representations on valid grounds via the following link
You can report any concerns or complaints about a licensed premises via the following
Leaders Gardens
We have been informed by the Council’s aboriculturalist that a dead tree is to be removed from Leaders Gardens. The tree is a Cherry and is located between the café and the tennis courts. It will be replaced with a similar tree this winter in a suitable location as near as possible to this site.
Life Time Tennis is running junior and adult coaching on the courts in Leaders Gardens this summer.
Putney Common Tennis Club runs the courts behind All Saints School and can be contacted on 8788 1651 or 07803 005107.
Police meetings in July and August
The Thamesfield SNT (Safer Neighbourhood Team) meet have several meetings for the public in July and August.
- A drop-in surgery on 2 July from 15:00 to 17:00 at Our Lady of Victories School, Clarendon Drive;
- a street meet on 7 July from 12:00 to 14:00 at Leaders Gardens;
- a street meet on 8 July from 18:00 to 20:00 in Clarendon Drive;
- a drop-in surgery on 9 July from 15:00 to 18:00 at Hotham School, Hotham Road;
- a drop-in surgery on 11 July from 12:00 to 15:00 in Wandsworth Park, Putney Bridge Road;
- a public meeting on 20 July from 19:00 to 20:30 at St Mary's Church, Putney High Street’ a drop-in surgery on 28 July from 18:00 to 19:00 at Putney Library, Disraeli Road;
- a drop-in surgery on 7 August from 12:00 to 17:00 at Horne Way
- drop-in surgery on 25 August from 18:00 to 19:00 at Putney Library, Disraeli Road
The Thamesfield Ward SNT Panel sets the priorities for the policing team to follow in addition to the standard police force priorities of robbery and burglary. Currently the three priorities are :
Anti-social behaviour around the High Street and seasonal hotspots, parks, the riverside, etc
Retail crime
Theft of and offences concerning pedal cycles
They have carried out specific initatives to address shoplifting in the High Street, theft of pedal cycles in Point Pleasant and late night disorder in the High Street, particularly on Friday and Saturday evenings.
To contact the Safer Neighbourhood Team - 020 8721 2434 or on 07920 233924. In an emergency always dial 999. For all other calls to the Metropolitan police please dial 0300 123 1212.
Register bikes and other valuables on to enable police to return it to you if it is stolen.
Events and activities
Our Lady of Victories in Clarendon Drive is holding its summer fair on 2 July from 3-5pm.
Hotham School’s Centenary summer fete takes place on 9 July from 3.15pm on Charlwood Road.
Putney Theatre Company at Ravenna Road, SW15 will be performing Bugsy Malone from 14 to 17 July, then from 20-22 July a musical play by BBT2, Camelot. Group 64’s summer holiday projects include Create 2010 when 11 to 16 year olds write, direct and perform their own show in a week from 26 to 30 July, the Summer Showdown Mash Up from 2-6 August during which time 6 to 11 year olds create their own show. Then from 11-13 August 4 to 7 year olds can explore a swashbuckling adventure in Pirates and Princesses. Further details 8788 6943, 8944 0023 or 8286 0229
Bygones and collectables fair on Saturday, 17 July at St Mary’s Church in aid of the restoration and maintence of the church. Any items you would like to give would be welcome. Please contact Michael Bull 8874 5932 or leave a note in pigeon hole B in the church.
Book your tickets for a Musical Picnic on 17 July when The Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability is holding a fundraising event from noon to 6pm at the hospital on West Hill. or call 8780 4565.
Details of the summer reading challenge can be picked up from the library in Disraeli Road. The reading challenge takes place between 17 July and 4 September and young people from 0 to 15 can take part. The Space Hop is for 4 to 12 year olds and there is a reading challenge plus for children and young people 11 and over. For details call Hilary Manning on 8871 8848 or email;;
Putney School of Art & Design is running its summer course from 19 July to 5 August in its newly refurbished art school on Disraeli Road. Courses are wide-ranging covering painting, drawing, print-making, pottery, sculpture, portraits, oils, watercolours, photography, experimental media, web design and photoshop. Full brochure available at or call 8788 9145.
The Council’s Summer holiday activities programme takes place from 23 July to 31 August. A full programme is available from 8871 7899 or via Many activities are free such as adventure playgrounds and activity centres.
The Royal Academy of Dance celebrates its 90th anniversary this year. To mark the occasion Putney Library has an exhibition of dance in all its forms as well as the scope of the Academy’s work. The exhibition is from 21 June to 9 July, more information at or from Putney Library. Big Dance is a London-wide festival celebrating dance in all its forms. Wandsworth schools have signed up to take part in Big Dance world record – – on 9thJuly.
For The Half Moon’s July programme - Now producing food, there is jazz every Sunday lunchtime from 1pm and families are welcome. Every Tuesday you can join the Half Moon pub quiz in the main bar with six people per team. A potted history of the Half Moon can be found via the following link
The Duke’s Head on Lower Richmond Road is offering stand-up comedy on Wednesdays. Doors open at 8pm, tickets £7 or £5 for concessions. Reservations 07966176049. There is a regular quiz night on Tuesdays at 8pm.
The sommelier of the Star & Garter is holding a wine tasting on the evening of 7 July. An interesting history about the Star & Garter can be found via the following link.
Cakes4Fun on Lower Richmond Road are running courses throughout July and August.
Regular daily guided tours and “feed the birds with the wardens” take place at the WWT London Wetlands Centre. There are weekend and school holiday activities for children and BBQs take place throughout August Details from 8409 4400 or
Wills Art House is organising a Mixed Summer Exhibition, from 8 July until 28 August.
The Putney Leisure Centre in Dryburgh Rd provides swimming and a full range of activities
If you would like to do some gardening but lack a garden consider the Garden Partners scheme run by the Council in conjunction with Age Concern. Volunteers enter into partnership with a homeowner of 60 or more to cultivate their garden and share the produce with them. or call Sarah Jackson on 8877 8946.
The Putney Senior Social Group meets every Monday at All Saints’ Church, Putney Common between 10 and 11.30am. They offer tea and coffee and homemade cakes for the over 60s. The group started with four members a year ago and now regularly has up to 16 people in attendance. To join the group call Jo Warren on 07970 280172 for more details.
Regenerate-RISE provides lunches, activities, outings and spport for the over 60s, particularly those who are isolated. It operates from The Platt Christian Centre in Felsham Road. They also have a hairdresser open three days a week to anyone over the age of 60 at very reasonable prices. They hold a cafe once a month on a Saturday open to anyone. For more information please email Mo Smith, Chair of Trustees, Regenerate-RISE at
There is a permanent exhibition about The Putney Debates 1647 in St Mary’s Church by Putney Bridge open Monday to Saturday from 10am to 4pm
Details about the Putney Sculpture Trail located along the river from Leaders Gardens to Wandsworth Riverside Quarter can be found via the link below together with places to eat and drink en route
The Partnership Board has produced a brief heritage guide for visitors to encourage people to visit and explore Putney.
This can be found at
Putney Town Centre
The Putney Partnership has published a new guide of the Thornhill Sculpture Trail highlighting places to eat and drink en route and to encourage local people to support local businesses. Please pick up a map of the trail at any one of the venues en route.
For the Love of Dog has opened up at 16 Lower Richmond Road providing dogs with grooming, accessories, toys, food etc.
The Rajah Rowing Club has opened a new take-away on 74, Lower Richmond Road.
Lloyds Pharmacy is due to open in the premises formerly occupied by Joy on the High Street.
Mayak has replaced Riverpoint at 94 Point Pleasant, Wandsworth Riverside Quarter and recently opened as a café and restaurant open from 6-11pm. Reservations 8874 1854.
We are appalled by the state of the former Real Greek premises and having taken the matter up have established that new owners plan to open a Brazilian restaurant to be called Preto. There will be a refit and a new shop front and the plan to open, apparently, in five weeks’ time.
The Token Yard Club - After six years trading in Token Yard, Guiseppe Minetti has decided to expand his personal training gym and has taken 6,000 sq ft premises above Barclays Bank at 56 Putney High
Street. The Token Yard Club is due to open in July and as an introductory offer the first 20 members pay only £59 per month.
A Ladbrokes Betting shop is opening in the former premises of Barclays Bank near the mainline station
Christmas Market – plans are underway for this year’s Christmas market which takes place on Friday, 3 December. Retailers and food/drink outlets in Putney interested in having a stall should contact the Town Centre manager for information or call 8785 0374.
The Putney Exchange is generously sponsoring 20 hanging baskets for the lamp posts in the Town Centre. The Exchange is a member of the Putney Partnership, a group actively seeking to improve the environment in the Town Centre, encourage residents to “shop locally” and to attract increased footfall and spend from visitors to Putney. The hanging baskets do much to enhance the hard surfaces in the High Street. In these challenging financial times and budget cuts we particularly value financial support from the Exchange as Putney’s single most important group of retailers in the High Street.
Markets: There are weekly Friday (11am – 8pm) and Saturday (9am-4pm) market stalls in Church Square hosted by Portland Scallops selling fresh wet fish and shell fish now joined by a specialist cheese stall and a stall selling fresh flowers.
Useful Numbers:
Details of the Minor Injuries Unit at Queen Mary’s Hospital can be found online
or call 020 8487 6499/6999. Evening smear test clinics now available for women who find it difficult to get to their doctor during the day held at the Minor Injuries Unit every Tuesday from 5.30-7.30pm. The clinics are by appointment only to women registered with a Wandsworth GP. To make an appointment call 0845 6026292.
Do help us keep Thamesfield ward in good shape by reporting instances of fly tipping and graffiti as well as broken pavements and pot holes.
Waste services – including fly tipping, street cleansing, missed collections, recycling.
Tel 020 8871 8558 Email
Tel 020 8871 7479 for recycling hotline.
Graffiti removal
Tel 020 8871 7049 Email
Broken pavements, potholes etc
Tel 020 8871 6708 Email
Noise hotline Email
Tel 020 8871 6170 (during office hours)
Tel 020 8871 7869 (outside office hours)
Future Thamesfield E-bulletins
As your local councillors we send out regular e-bulletins to update you on local news, information on our work and things of interest in our local community. To join, simply email and type SUBSCRIBE in the subject line. It’s free and you can unsubscribe at any time by emailing the address below with ‘unsubscribe’ in the subject line.
3 Summerstown, London, SW17 0BQ Tel. 020 8944 0378,
Promoted by Robert Morritt on behalf of Putney Conservatives, both of 3 Summerstown, London, SW17 0BQ
July 2, 2010 |