Thamesfield Ward E-Bulletin March 2010

Dates for your diary, Local Issues, Events & more

Please feel free to forward this e-bulletin to friends and neighbours in the area
who might be interested.

Edward Lister, Jim Maddan and Rosemary Torrington Councillors, Thamesfield Ward, Putney, Wandsworth Borough Council.

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Welcome to the March edition of our e-bulletin which we hope you will find helpful and informative. Please feel free to forward this e-bulletin to friends and neighbours in the area who might be interested.

Public meeting about Riverside Rocket – 2 March, 7.30pm in Brewer Building, St Mary’s Church

Following concern about the change of ownership of Riverside Rocket, Putney Wharf we have organised a public meeting to clarify the associated licensing and planning applications and to ensure that the new owners, JK Wetherspoons, understand the need to respect and maintain the quiet enjoyment of the homes of the residents of Putney Wharf Tower, Castle Court, River Court and Deodar Road.

Local councillors will be chairing the meeting. Mrs Whitbread and Ms Mangan of the Council’s licensing department will be joined by Tom Ball and Miles Slade, the regional manager of JD Wetherspoons at the meeting. No-one in the Council’s planning department is available.

The current licensed opening hours for Rocket are 1200 - 2300 on Sunday and 1100 - 0030 on Monday to Saturday. Live music is permitted between 1200 - 22.30 on Sunday and 1100 - 0000 on Saturday. Recorded music is permitted between 1100 - 0000 daily except Sunday, when the permitted hours are 1200 - 2230. The supply of alcohol for consumption on and off the premises is permitted between 1200 - 2230 on Sunday and between 1100 - 0000 Monday to Saturday.

We have made some enquiries about the proportion of the internal floor area designated as bar and restaurant which was not subject to any conditions when planning permission was granted. The main use granted for the premises was as a restaurant (A3 use) and therefore any bar use will only be allowed as an ancillary function to the main restaurant use.

There is a current planning application for outside seating (2010/0511). The area around the prow of the building at ground floor level to be used for outdoor seating is enclosed by free standing glass screens as shown on the plans. As the external area abuts the public walkway and public square one of the issues likely to come up on 2 March might be how the defined external area is patrolled by the licensee’s staff.

The external seating area is currently part of the licensed area, however the proposed new plan submitted with the planning application, whilst showing the external seating area, does not include the external area in the licensed area.

If you have further questions please bring them up at the meeting or contact Cllr Jim Maddan or Cllr Rosemary Torrington (


Platform extension at Putney railway station

We have been lobbying for years for the extension of platforms at Putney station to cater for longer trains and thereby to increase capacity of public transport for commuters. Network Rail has finally announced plans to increase train lengths from 8 to 10 cars on the Wessex route from Waterloo to Windsor & Eton Riverside by December 2011. At Putney station the proposal is to extend Platforms 2 and 3 (central platforms) by 38.7m at the London end and to extend Platform 4 (backing onto Upper Richmond Road) by 36.0m also at the London end.

We understand that the works are permitted development under legislation. The details have been submitted to the Council for approval of the design and siting of the proposed works.

As local councillors we have also mooted the idea of opening up a station/platform entrance on Oxford Road for the benefit of people who live and work in around Upper Richmond Road and in the vicinity of Fawe Park Road. This would be another means of reducing congestion within the station concourse. We are actively exploring this idea, and the need to provide disabled access to the station, and will report further with any news.

Council Tax

Council tax in Wandsworth remains the lowest in the UK at £687 for an average Band D property. The amount paid by residents for services provided by the Council has not changed since 2007. The Mayor of London has also decided on a zero increase for his share of the tax. Many residents in Thamesfield pay the Wimbledon & Putney Conservators levy, collected via Council Tax. This has decreased by 1.9% from £24.32 to £23.85 at band D which means that those residents will pay slightly less from April 2010. Parking charges will also be frozen for the third successive year.

Licensing variations granted: Slug and Lettuce on the High Street,
Putney Station on Upper Richmond Road

We have received a number of complaints concerning the above variations. Cllrs Maddan and Torrington regularly pass on issues relating to licensing matters and recently invited the Chairman of the Licensing Committee on a Friday night tour of the High Street. We always urge residents to report problems such as noise to the Council’s noise line and disorder to the police. One of our growing concerns as local councillors is that despite police attendance to deal with alcohol related disorder in Putney, when the police are consulted on an extension to a premise licence, there is no response from the police despite the fact that one of the valid grounds on which representations can be made is “the prevention of crime and disorder”. We are pressing this point with both the police and the licensing officers.

The licensing law changed on 29 January and now permits a local councillor to instigate a review of a licensed premise if there are problems arising from the outlet. Please, therefore, provide us with details of problems and this will enable us to monitor activities and start the review process. Residents can already do this.

Conditions were imposed on the variations granted to both premises above to protect residents. The licensee will need to observe these as well as complying with the hours of opening. These were the more relevant conditions. Please let us know if they are not being complied with.

Slug and Lettuce: The licensee shall hold regular meetings with local residents to discuss matters of mutual concern (to address prevention of public nuisance) and the licensee shall provide two registered door supervisors from 2200 hours whenever licensed activity is provided beyond midnight until all customers have left the premises (to address prevention of crime and disorder).

Putney Station: (to address prevention of public nuisance) The licensee shall provide a landline/mobile number for the premises to local residents and maintain a log of all complaints received by the premises from local residents. The log shall contain details of steps taken to remedy problems and be available for inspection by the Police and Council. All windows to remain closed at times and all doors to remain closed except during access and egress after 23.30 Sunday and 00.00 Monday to Saturday.;;

Post Office at 214 Upper Richmond Road
Application No 2009/2149

This branch is the only remaining post office in the town centre. The building’s owners have applied for planning permission to develop the site occupied by the post office. The proposals are for a retail unit at ground floor, with five floors of flats above. The application is likely to be heard by the Planning Applications Committee in April 2010.

It is not known yet whether the developers will invite the Post Office to return to the site when the building work is complete. In any event the Post Office will be looking for a new home for between eighteen months and two years when the work starts which is likely to be sometime in 2011.

Meetings have been held between Putney’s MP, Justine Greening, local councillors and executives from Post Offices Ltd. The Post Office was reminded of the promises made, at the time of the rationalisation of the post offices - that a large post office would remain in Putney. It is now a matter for Post Offices Ltd to find an appropriate site, whether it be a temporary home whilst the work is taking place or a brand new site.

Further meetings are planned and updates will appear in subsequent bulletins.

Potholes and Taking Thames Water to task over Putney Bridge

Now that the freezing conditions have eased the Highways team is working its way around the borough to blitz thousands of potholes. Please email us with precise locations of a problem pothole or report it to the council on 8871 6708 or email so that we can be sure that the worst potholes in Thamesfield are repaired.

The last time major investment took place on Putney Bridge was 1994. Six large Thames Water mains run within the bridge structure. For the last few years leaking water from within the bridge structure has caused problems with the carriageway and the bridge waterproofing. This leakage is not weather dependent and even during the long, hot summer of 2006 water was leaking from the bridge.

Some repairs have been undertaken by Thames Water who introduced additional weep holes to allow water to dissipate. Despite this, water continues to leak and the carriageway continues to deteriorate. The Council has brought in specialists whose view is that the waterproof membrane introduced sixteen years ago is reaching the end of its natural life and the present difficulties result from a complex interaction of a number of causes.

As soon as the consultants produce their recommendations, a funding application will be made to London Bridges Engineering Group to obtain a grant from TfL, who will coordinate the timescales for the work, taking into account work on the other bridges. Cllr Jim Maddan recalls the disruption that took place in 1994. Putney Bridge is the busiest bridge in London over any period of twenty-four hours and it is the only bridge that leads straight onto a busy high street. The scheduling for these major works is very important. In the meantime weekly inspections of the bridge will continue and the carriageway will be maintained by patch repairs.

Putney Bridge Lights

Like many people local councillors are disappointed that the decorative lights under Putney Bridge have had to be switched off. The lights were installed many years ago and the company which made them no longer makes the replacement parts so new lights are needed.

Readers will be aware that the road surface of Putney Bridge is also causing concerns (story above). The repairs to the bridge will be extensive and it does not make sense spending large amounts of money installing new lights, when there is every possibility that they will have to be taken out again when the bridge surface works are done. In the circumstances a decision has been made that the two jobs will be done together.

Prospect Quay, Lightermans Walk, SW18
Application No 2010/0630

A planning application has been received from Prospect Mooring Ltd to extend by 17 metres the existing mooring structure to provide additional moorings to the north for 3 to 4 additional vessels in residential use, comprising floating pontoons and three mooring piles. The consultation runs until 15 March and the case officer if Mr Neil Shaw (8871 6632).

Wandle Weir removal and new section of the River Walk

The Wandle Weir sustained damage during high flow conditions this winter and as a result the steel weir gate is permanently dislodged. The Wandle weir was constructed in 1990, with the aim of impounding water within the River Wandle and BelI Lane Creek at all states of the tide to provide a mooring for boats. The weir is formed of a mass concrete structure on each side of the Wandle river wall with a steel gate in the centre section, thereby impounding the water behind it when the Thames is at low tide. The gate can be lowered by a hydraulic ram to lie flat, level with the river bed. At high tide the gate could be lowered to allow craft to enter or leave the mooring. However, the mooring facility has never been used. The Environment Agency is concerned that impounding water for a mooring deprives birds and wildlife feeding on the mud at Iow tide. EA is also particularly concerned about the build up of silt within the Wandle mouth that has occurred since the weir has been in place. The gate has been left in the open position for 19 years but there has still been a continual build up of harmful silt, trapped by the concrete structures of the weir. Removal of the entire weir is now a top priority for EA. A contribution of £250,000 has been made by the developer of Wandsworth Riverside Quarter towards the "cost of the removal of the weir on the river Wandle" and some of this will be used to clear the dislodged weir gate.

A new section of the river walk has opened during daylight hours between Wandsworth Riverside Quarter beyond Mandel House along the Thames and the mouth of the Wandle to the footbridge across the Wandle. Frasers Riverside Quarter Ltd has completed some of the preliminary works to provide tidal terraces between the extended riverside walk and the river.

Thamesfield Conservation areas

The Planning & Transportation committee considered a Report on conservation areas in February. The report can be downloaded here

The Charlwood Road/Lifford Street appraisals and management strategies were approved following consultation at a public meeting in October 2009. Comments from the public can be found via the following here

The map and character statement of the Charlwood Road/Lifford Street CA can be found here

The Report agreed that conservation area appraisals and management strategies for Deodar Road and Putney Embankment be approved and gave the go-ahead for consultation at public meetings in May 2010. There are proposals to amend the boundary of Putney Embankment CA. We will report further when the drafts are available.

Recycling and street cleansing
Over the past couple of months we have received several hundred responses to our “Listening to you” survey asking for local residents’ views on a wide range of issues. We appreciate the time and trouble taken by local people to respond to the survey and have been most interested by the comments made, many of which have already been taken up. We have extracted the main queries on recycling and street cleansing and obtained replies to them as follows. The most pressing point was an enthusiasm for recycling and the need for a 24 hour recycling bank in the town centre. Cllr Torrington has taken this up and can report that the officers are actively looking at installing a new recycling bank in the town centre somewhere in the vicinity of the rear of Waitrose and Walkers Place. Answers to some of the most frequently made points might be of wider interest so we have included them below:

Please can we have more recycling banks in the town centre?  Those living in flats have limited space to store sacks and would like to dispose of recycling during the week.  Could we have a central recycling bank in the vicinity of Waitrose?  

Comment/Response:   We are currently reviewing all of the recycling provision in the Town Centres - there are a number of on-street facilities that are very low yield - the purpose of the exercise is to rationalise the current provision and to locate containers where they are likely to achieve maximum results.

Please could ALL plastics be recycled?   Will this be possible when the new Materials Recyclable Facility (MFR) in Smugglers’ Way opens?  If not, will the Energy from Waste plant at Belvedere in Essex process plastics to avoid the need to send plastic to land fill? 

Comment/Response:   It is anticipated that when the new MRF comes into operation a greater range of commodities will be recycled, including more plastic items - however the ability to recycle is very much lead by market forces - reprocessor will only provide markets if it is economically viable to do so. The Belvedere EFW plant is designed to cater for all materials that cannot be recycled - therefore items such as plastic bags will be burnt to generate heat and power.    

Please could flats have recycling bins?  Several blocks of flats, particularly private blocks, still do not have recycling containers or know they can apply for one.   

Comment/Response:   The orange bank recycling service is currently being fully reviewed - part of the study is to ascertain which blocks do not have a provision for recycling. All substantial planning application receive a comment from Waste Management - comments include ensuring adequate provision for refuse and recycling for the number of properties proposed.

For those who do not have cars what can be done to deal with over-sized recycling items such as large boxes?  Can these be collected with ordinary recycling?

Comment/Response:   Providing boxes are flattened and bound, cardboard will be collected alongside orange sacks.

Does recycling put in orange sacks get recycled or is it sent to landfill?

Comment/Response:   We can confirm absolutely that materials collected via the orange sack/bin service are collected in a separated vehicles dedicated solely for recycling - once they have been tipped at the Western Riverside waste transfer station they are further transported to the Grosvenor MRF to be separated into the constituent commodities before being sent on for reprocessing. Only contaminated items found during the separating process will be sent to landfill or incineration.   

The Green triangle on the corner of Upper Richmond Rd and Charlwood Road is a real problem for fly-tipping and has attracted numerous comments.  Although the space is privately owned it is in the public realm.  Please can proactive steps be taken to tackle this persistent problem?  

Comment/Response:   This privately owned area has access on one side to properties in Jordan Court that had inadequate refuse storage arrangements. In the last fortnight we have taken steps to improve the refuse storage arrangements for properties near to the green space, which should reduce the incidence of fly-tipping, and whilst the grassed area is privately owned we have undertaken to remove litter from this area as part of the scheduled street cleansing operations. The skip on the grass has been passed over to the DTS Highways/Skip Licensing Enforcement section who are dealing with the matter.

Please can you remind me how many street sweeps there are in Putney High Street and how far these extend along side roads off the HS.  There are problems of late-night litter resulting from take-aways, especially on Fridays and Saturdays.  Can we co-ordinate late-night or early morning litter picks to deal with bottles, cans and take away litter generated by the night time economy on the HS?

Comment/Response:   Putney High Street receives a fives time cleanse per day included in this schedule is 50 metres into side streets and 10 metres into alleyways and unobstructed forecourts. The first schedule cleanse is due to be completed by 09.00 each morning.

What is the advice for people who go away at the weekend and who are obliged to leave refuse and recycling on the pavement on a Thursday night for a Saturday collection?        
Comment/Response: The Council has a clean street policy and all waste should be presented within the boundaries of front gardens to facilitate collections.  As indicated above we are reviewing the provision of on street recycling facilities in the town centre.

Does the street sweeping include the pavements and the gutters where cars are parked? 

Comment/Response :   The street sweeping includes pavements and gutters, including where cars are parked, however reasonable access (need to be able to get a brush between the car and the kerb) is required to facilitate the sweeping operation.

How often is weed-killer applied and at what time of year?

Comment/Response:   Usually three times a year, usually spaced between March and September

Many people are keen on composting.  Will the Belvedere Energy from Waste plant convert all of this waste into energy without sending any to landfill?  What about garden waste?  Would wormeries be as good and be suitable in a small flat?  If so, can residents get hold of wormeries from the Council?  When will refuse start to be processed by Belevedere and taken out of landfill? 

Comment/Response:  As stated earlier the Belvedere EFW plant will deal with all black sack waste. Garden waste will continue to be collected separately to be composted at a centralised composting facility. It is anticipated that the Belvedere EFW plant will come on line at the end of 2011 and be fully operational in 2012.  Womeries have been known to be used indoor - generally in schools - they do need to be carefully looked after to be effective. The Council provides information relating to wormeries on its website. The Council will continue to provide a paid for garden waste collection service - the Council believes that to provide the service free encourages waste into the waste stream that would not otherwise be there. In addition the Council does not consider it appropriate that those without gardens or who compost at home should subsidise a free collection service for everyone else.

What are we doing to encourage businesses to reduce packaging?  Is this a green pledge?

Comment/Response:   Small and medium enterprises can get free support from the Go Green Plus scheme ( Advisers make personal visits to help review their energy and waste management practices, provide advice on developing environmental policies, green procurement, achieve UK and international green marks and help them source local suppliers.

The alleyways behind the High Street, particularly the one next to Putney Library and the one alongside the Spotted Horse are a disgrace. They are virtually in the public domain as they are visible from the road and used by the public.  What proactive steps can be taken to tackle these persistent problems areas?

Comment/Response:   The alleyway next to Putney Library receives a daily cleanse, the alleyway alongside the Spotted Horse receives a five times cleanse as part of the Putney High Street frequency as this includes 10 metres into alleyways.

Do the shops selling batteries in the High Street have plans to introduce battery recyling in line with the recent EU directive?

Comment/Response:   Under the EU Batteries Directive all retailers of 32kg+ portable batteries per year are required to either provide a free take-back service for end-users (whether they bought the batteries from that retailer or not) or give clear indication of an existing service elsewhere. I have been made aware of one scheme that was getting in touch with shops in the borough to advertise their service.

What is the Council’s view on residents installing photovoltaic tiles for solar power?  Is this possible in a conservation area?

Comment/Response:   The Council is supportive of residents wishing to pursue energy saving initiatives, however, planning permission would be required for photovoltaic panels on buildings which are listed or in a conservation area.

How often is Spring Passage swept?

Comment/Response:   Spring Passage receives a thorough cleanse on a Saturday and a litter clearance service on a Wednesday

Police meetings in March

The police and Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) have scheduled two drop-in surgeries in March. On 25 March they will be at Costa Coffee on the High Street between 16.00 and 18.00 and on 31 March they will be at Disraeli Library between 18.00 and 19.00. (Thamesfield ward)

Locally agreed priorities for Thamesfield are currently: Anti-social behaviour related to alcohol, shoplifting and theft of pedal cycles.

As the Thamesfield SNT has as one of its priorities a reduction in the number of bicycles being stolen, particularly from car parks under blocks of flats. With some warmer weather on the way, and more bicycles coming out of winter hibernation, it is important to make sure that bicycle security gets an appropriate level of attention. It does not make sense to spend hundreds of pounds on a new bicycle and think that it is sufficient to spend 50p on a chain and padlock. There are plenty of cycle shops in Putney town centre who will give specialist advice on locks and chains.

Several people, including councillors, have received an email purporting to be from HM Revenue & Customs telling them that they were entitled to a refund of over £600 in respect of overpaid tax. There is something fishy about these emails which are addressed to “undisclosed recipient” and turn out to be bogus. We have spoken to HMRC who confirm there are a lot of similar emails doing the rounds.  It is the time when tax returns have to be submitted and people might be expecting a refund.


The SNT can be reached on 020 8721 2434 or on 07920 233924. In an emergency always dial 999. For all other calls to the Metropolitan police please dial 0300 123 1212.

Events and activities for March

Free Putney Heath guided walk on 4 March, 5-6pm meet outside Green Man pub.

The Wandsworth Symphony Orchestra will be giving a concert on Saturday, 13 March at St Mary’s Church, Putney Bridge at 8pm. The programme includes Rossini, Prokoviev, Strauss and Walton. Tickets £12 at the door or from members of the orchestra.

The Friends of Putney School of Art and Design have reintroduced their lectures on art. Clifford Hatts will be giving the first lecture at the Art School on Saturday, 20 March. Drinks at 7.00pm followed by the lecture at 7.30pm. The subject will be Eric Ravilious, and English artists in the 1920’s and 1930’s. He excelled in watercolours, wood engraving and murals. The Friends have raised the full £60,000 they pledged towards the refurbishment of the Art school.

The Women’s Eights Head of the River Race from Mortlake to Putney takes place on Saturday, 13 March at 3pm.

The Head of the River Race from Mortlake to Putney takes place on Saturday, 27 March at 1.15pm.

The Putney Music Festival takes place over Boat Race weekend from Friday 2-4 April. The Music Festival features live and DJ presented music throughout Putney pubs, restaurants, and open spaces. The 2010 venues are being finalised and the programme can be downloaded in due course via the following link
2009 brought around 40 music events to Putney at 20 venues.

The Xchanging Boat Race takes place on Saturday, 3 April at 4.30pm and is a free event. For full details of the course, crews and video diaries of training see

The Partnership Board has produced a brief heritage guide for visitors to encourage people to visit and explore Putney. This can be found at,

Will’s Art House on Lower Richmond Road/Putney Common is organising the Affordable Art Fair in Battersea Park from 11-14 March with 120 galleries exhibiting contemporary art under £3,000. To book tickets From 2-9 March artwork from local artists will be showing in the Putney gallery.

On Sunday 28 March at 7pm in All Saint’s Church, Putney Lower Common – Putney Knitting Concert: Schubert’s Trout Quintet and fishy songs. Free.

For The Half Moon’s March programme -

The Star & Garter on the Embankment is holding two of their wine tasting evenings this month. On 17 March the sommelier will cover sweet wines and on 31 March the topic is the Burgundy Region. For more information

The Duke’s Head on Lower Richmond Road is organising events throughout March including quiz nights, standup comedy and 6 Nations rugby. For details seeh ttp://

A photography exhibition of the best works by local photographers takes place at Putney Library from 14 February to 6 March

Regular daily guided tours and “feed the birds with the wardens” take place at the WWT London Wetlands Centre. An introductory course to bird watching is running on 7 and 20 March between 9.30 and 11.30am. Suitable for adults and children over 11. 8409 4400 or

The Putney Theatre Company’s programme can be downloaded via From 5 to 6 March Group 64 Youth Theatre is performing The Twits by Roald Dahl. From 9-13 March the Putney Theatre Company will be performing Round and Round the Garden by Alan Ayckbourn. From 25-26 March there is a double bill Group 64 Studio production of Ruckus in the Garden/A Handbag . The box office can be reached on 020 8286 0229.

Putney Music has organised 3 meetings on 1, 15 and 29 March in The Dryburgh Hall, Putney Leisure Centre starting at 8pm. On 1 March John Rutter will be speaking. On 15 March Jane Glover, artistic director of opera at the Royal Academy of Music is in conversation with Piers Burton-Page and on 29 March John Amis talks about Prokofiev.

The Putney Senior Social Group meets every Monday at All Saints’ Church, Putney Common between 10 and 11.30am. They offer tea and coffee and homemade cakes for the over 60s. The group started with four members a year ago and now regularly has up to 16 people in attendance. To join the group call Carolyn Biddick on 07964 593879 on any weekday mornings for more details.

Regenerate-RISE provides lunches, activities, outings and spport for the over 60s, particularly those who are isolated. It operates from The Platt Christian Centre in Felsham Road. They also have a hairdresser open three days a week to anyone over the age of 60 at very reasonable prices.  They hold a cafe once a month on a Saturday open to anyone. For more information please email Mo Smith, Chair of Trustees, Regenerate-RISE at

The Project Grants Fund helps groups and organisations to provide cultural projects, particularly those that engage new audiences, help create long-lasting artistic partnerships and develop new skills. The Small Grants Fund supports new art initiatives and extensions of existing projects. A grant workshop runs at Putney Library, Disraeli Road on 1 March from 6-8pm if you would like to find out about making an application for either.

The Putney Society holds its AGM on Thursday, 25 March at 7.30pm in the Brewer Building, St Mary’s Church.

The Putney Leisure Centre in Dryburgh Rd provides swimming and a full range of activities

There is a permanent exhibition about The Putney Debates 1647 in St Mary’s Church by Putney Bridge open Monday to Saturday from 10am to 4pm .

Details about the Putney Sculpture Trail located along the river from Leaders Gardens to Wandsworth Riverside Quarter can be found at and a map on the sculptor’s website at

Putney Town Centre

The Partnership Board has organised an Inward Investment day on 10 March bringing 60 potential investors to Putney by boat to tell them about the many benefits Putney has to offer and show them round the town centre. We hope to attract a wider and even more interesting range of shops and other outlets to Putney. The Invest in Putney brochure can be downloaded at

The Partnership Board will be organising the annual Easter Egg Hunt in and around the town centre and the Exchange in the fortnight before Good Friday. Forms will be available from Waitrose in the Exchange. Waitrose is kindly sponsoring this event and providing the eggs and prizes.

Litter from smokers is becoming an increasing problem since the Government’s smoking ban came into force. The Council is keen to keep the town centre looking as litter-free and smart as possible. O n 27 January the street cleansing team undertook an enforcement operation outside Putney BR Station, Putney High Street in conjunction with the Putney Safer Neighbourhood team.  The exercise was successful with the issuing of nine Fixed Penalty Notices.   Further operations are planned in the future. The town centre has numerous litter bins for litter, gum and cigarette butts to keep our streets looking clean.

THE RUMP KITCHEN has opened in the former Idle Hour.

GRIND has opened on the corner of Lower Richmond Road and Weiss Road selling freshly ground coffee to enjoy in the café or take away.

TNT PROPERTIES has opened a property agency in Lower Richmond Road in the former Polish deli.

ROCK AND ROE , Fish and Chips shop has reopened at 271 Putney Bridge Road

A new internet café is undergoing refurbishment and is due to open at 279 Putney Bridge Road

TK MAXX has reopened after an extensive refit

PUTNEY CYCLES has taken premises on the High Street and will be relocating from the shop in Putney Bridge Road in due course.

BANGER BROS is due to open next to the station selling a range of hot sausages

ROCKET A new lease has been granted to Wetherspoons, who are planning a new style of business, which is totally different to their existing business format. It aims to re-open in time for the Boat Race on Easter weekend. See the opening item in this ebulletin.

Markets: There are weekly Friday (11am – 8pm) and Saturday (9am-4pm) market stalls in Church Square hosted by Portland Scallops selling fresh wet fish and shell fish now joined by a specialist cheese stall and a stall selling fresh flowers.

Useful Numbers:

Details of the Minor Injuries Unit at Queen Mary’s Hospital can be found online

or call 020 8487 6499/6999. Evening smear test clinics now available for women who find it difficult to get to their doctor during the day held at the Minor Injuries Unit every Tuesday from 5.30-7.30pm. The clinics are by appointment only to women registered with a Wandsworth GP. To make an appointment call 0845 6026292.

Do help us keep Thamesfield ward in good shape by reporting instances of fly tipping and graffiti as well as broken pavements and pot holes.

Waste services – including fly tipping, street cleansing, missed collections, recycling.

Tel 020 8871 8558 Email

Tel 020 8871 7479 for recycling hotline.

Graffiti removal

Tel 020 8871 7049 Email

Broken pavements, potholes etc

Tel 020 8871 6708 Email

Noise hotline Email

Tel 020 8871 6170 (during office hours)

Tel 020 8871 7869 (outside office hours)

Future Thamesfield E-bulletins
As your local councillors we send out regular e-bulletins to update you on local news, information on our work and things of interest in our local community. To join, simply email and type SUBSCRIBE in the subject line. It’s free and you can unsubscribe at any time by emailing the address below with ‘unsubscribe’ in the subject line.

3 Summerstown, London, SW17 0BQ Tel. 020 8944 0378,
Promoted by Robert Morritt on behalf of Putney Conservatives, both of 3 Summerstown, London, SW17 0BQ

March 1, 2010