Sudden hole in Sefton St has resulted in an "invasion" of rats!
When a hole unexpectedly appeared in Sefton Street, residents were initially relieved when Thames Water appeared. The hole was enlarged and deepened to access the broken sewer pipe and a metal sheet was left covering it ensuring residents could pass over on foot or by car safely.
Before Easter this changed & a simple plank of wood was left surrounding the hole - a danger any unobservant or distracted humans! One local resident told us:
"the sheet was removed and only red planks around the perimeter of the square with cones at each corner were put around and the deep hole was just left! Any toddler/child could easily have fallen down it!"
Residents are currently more concerned by the influx of unwanted guests who are seen every evening coming out of the hole & as resident Mr Hafez explained:
"(the rats)
all run out the hole every night, one of the workmen today said a neighbour told him many ran out last night when the water jet from a drain further along was jetted, and now we see rats every day running along the gardens!"

The advice Susan French a Sefton St resident was given from Wandsworth Council was to "pay for an exterminator, or call Thames Water" - she has called Thames Water on the 0845 number available only to be put on hold by a computer.... no human contact has a yet been made! According to the council website three visits from WBC Pest Control costs from £85.
A spokesman for the council told PutneySW15:
"We have been contacted by one resident of Sefton Street who has reported a rat problem to us. We have made an appointment to visit his property in order to catch it and remove it."
We have asked for comments from Thames Water - as yet there has been no response. This morning we were advised that another neighbour has managed to contact TW who have said they would visit the site to investigate.
April 13, 2012