Looking back at the recent Putney Society meeting on these issues
The meeting was held to review the status of major building developments in Putney and the implications for residents. This was followed by speakers Martin Howell, Group Planner of Wandsworth Borough Council (WBC) and Peter Eversden, Chairman of the London Forum of Amenity Societies who updated Members about the implementation of the Localism Act with particular emphasis upon Neighbourhood Forums and Neighbourhood Planning.
Mark Poulter provided the major development update, highlighting the Putney sites identified by the Council as suitable in their view for significant development and the shape that these might take. Most developers’ proposals coming forward are aiming for significantly taller buildings than those that they might replace. Some of these are asking for twice the height, such as that on the Putney High Street/Putney Bridge Road junction.
The speakers on Localism highlighted the fact that because WBC had produced a Local Plan, Wandsworth would be spared many of the great concerns that organisation such as the National Trust had expressed about the new National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). Martin Howell gave the WBC view on the revised guidance about what would be considered an adequately constituted Neighbourhood Forum (a group that would be authorised to develop plans for a “neighbourhood”), including many parties other than residents, and the Council’s latitude to “guide” the boundaries of Neighbourhoods.
Peter Eversden emphasised that some boroughs in London had no local plan and therefore had less protection from excessive development that might arise under the new NPPF. He expressed the view that Local Plans developed by local councils in genuine cooperation with local people were the optimal way of proceeding, removing the need for an additional Neighbourhood Plan. It was recognised that such cooperation was not always evident. A small number of areas in London were starting to move forward with Neighbourhood Forums but most were trying to understand the revised opportunities finally made available in the Localism Act and related regulations.
Members were invited to submit their considered views as to how the Society should respond to these matters to enquiries@putneysociety.org.uk
Mark Poulter
May 31, 2012