The Neighborhood Policing Newsletter Putney

Update from the local Safer Neighbourhood Teams and dates for your diary


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Message from Officer in charge of Putney Police, Inspector Waddington
Welcome to another addition of the Putney Police newsletter. The last month we have been involved in a number of borough and corporate events and have had some good successes. If you don’t follow your local team or the borough on twitter then look us up, a lot of our daily activity is tweeted keeping our residents informed of what we are doing.

The good weather is a welcome sight but does bring some challenges. As the evenings get warmer windows start opening and often get left open. Please make sure that when you leave your house or your car you make sure your windows are closed and secure - otherwise you are leaving an easy option to thieves. Property being stolen from vehicles is an MPS priority as well as a local one as it is a crime type that is often committed by young male on bikes and scooters who target insecure vehicles or even break windows to take property left on display. Please
make sure you don’t leave anything on display in your vehicle and if you see someone walking, riding or cycling up and down your road and you think they don’t belong there, call us and we will come around and speak with them.

As always, if you think they are committing a crime, or indeed are about to, call 999. Otherwise you can contact us on 101 and we will get back to you.

We are always keen to hear your views on specific matters, or general policing issues and would welcome any feedback you have for us. Details of your local team are at the bottom of this newsletter, please get in touch.

Thank you
Inspector James Waddington

Locally Agreed Priorities, Your team acts on your Information - “You Said, We Did”
Thamesfield Ward
Priorities & Promises:
In the last month Putney officers have been heavily focusing on theft from motor vehicle across the ward. They have been adopting a variety of tactics and have been working with neighboring boroughs to target prolific offenders. As a result of quick thinking from a member of the public officers were quickly identify an offender as he was breaking into a vehicle and arrested him later at his home address. Officers also seized his moped which had been used in a number of other crimes to reduce the risk of further offending. Officers are now using a decoy vehicle which is parked up in a hot spot area to enable them apprehend offenders, as they steal from the vehicle.

This tactic has been used by colleagues in Hammersmith to great effect.

PC Adams the local ward officer investigated a theft of £60 from an elderly lady where a male claimed he needed some money to pay for a cab fare. After further research similar offences were identified on an adjoining borough.

Statements were taken from the victim and a key witness and a male was arrested and charged with deception offences and later convicted at Wimbledon Magistrates Court.

The 2015 Boat Race took place on the Tideway on Saturday 11 March. Your local team covered the event to provide a peaceful and fun environment for local residents and visitors. Next to Putney Bridge, the crews of Oxford and Cambridge University rowing teams lined-up before getting the call to begin the grueling course, which stretches 4 miles and 374 yards along the River Thames.

Roehampton & West Putney Wards

In the last month the PCSO Dave and the team have been busy with a number of community events and joined up with the council housing department and local residents for an estate inspection of Putney Vale. On the 25th the team spent the day at the DARA club with the Putney and Roehampton Boxing Club where there were a number of local youths in bouts. As the weather has been improving so have the teams’ patrols of the street drinking hot spots and will continue these increased patrols over the spring and summer months.

PC Donnelly is back a to full duty which has meant PC Voong has been catching up on his Roehampton work and recovered a stolen van earlier this week. We have had a new member join the team and PC Voong took him out on his first shift catching a shoplifter who it turned out had been wanted for offences in Westminster for over six months. Good start to PC Richard Baxters career!

PC Donnelly is back out and about and has been catching up with residents and community groups. PCSO Dave and PC Donnelly were watching the Dover house Lions on Saturday morning. They are working closely with ASDA and trying to secure funding for a de-fib for the club.

The increase in shed burglaries in the Doverhouse Road and Huntingfield Road area continues. Since we have identified this spike in crime it has become one of the borough tasking so units have been directed to patrol the area over night. We haven't caught anyone yet but will keep looking.

The team will be at St Margaret's Church on Putney Park Lane on Monday the 18th May at 1400hrs for a public meeting so if you have any issues or simply would like to come along and speak with Emma or Dave pop down and say hello.

West Hill and East Putney Wards

The policing priorities are:
 Anti Social behaviour by groups of youth, Motor Vehicle Crime and Burglary.

Our Promises are:
 Block sweeps to detect/deter ASB
 Operations around transport hubs
In order to fulfill our promises, you ward officers conducted a Car crime prevention operation ( Day of Doors) on Keswick Road and Galveston Road,SW15, where 152 cars were security checked.

Your ward officers visited Linden Lodge School in the ward.

Southfield Ward
Current Ward Priorities and Promises:
Priority 1 Motor Vehicle Crime in particular theft from motor vehicles - Action taken/going to be taken Patrols in Brookwood Road, Pulborough Road and Replingham Road
Priority 2 Burglary Patrols Action taken/going to be taken Patrols in Burglary Hotspots -Lavenham Road and Engadine Street and Pulborough Road.

Promise 1 An officer will conduct a Bike Marking Event in the Ward each month. Action taken/going to be taken - Reduce the amount of stolen bikes reported in the Ward.
Promise 2 We will conduct one 'Day of Doors' operation per month. Action taken/going to be
taken - This means we will focus high visibility policing efforts on vehicle crime hot-spots. During the patrol, we will try the doors of all parked cars and make concerted efforts to contact vehicle owners when we find them insecure.

PSCO Don Lopes 7101WW assisted in a female shoplifter who was detained at Southside shopping centre. She is a prolific shoplifter. As a result of her being arrested, she is the first person to be added to the 'behave or be banned' scheme at Southside shopping centre which mean she is not only banned from Boots where the offence occurred but every shop and restaurant, together with the whole Southside Shopping Centre. This is an initiative run jointly with the Police, Wandsworth Council, and Southside Shopping Centre.

Fairfield Ward
Current Ward Priorities: Current Ward Promises:
- Theft From Motor Vehicle Reduction - Theft From Motor Vehicle Reduction
- Burglary Reduction - Burglary Reduction
- Theft of Pedal Cycles - Street-A-Week community engagement

One of our current policing priorities, as set by the Fairfield SNT ward panel, is tackling the recent increase in levels of thefts from motor vehicles. In relation to this, Fairfield's Dedicated Ward Officer (DWO) PC Mike Downey made a significant arrest after responding to a prompt emergency call from a sharp-eyed member of the public on Putney SNT sector who saw youths in the act of trying to steal a moped.

As a result of the direct action by PC Downey, assisted by several of his Putney SNT colleagues in collecting all available evidence, the youth was charged with Motor Vehicle Interference and sent to court where he was subsequently found guilty.

Dates for your Diary
Have your say and make a difference.
30th July 2015 at 0700 p.m
The next public meeting for West Hill Ward is at 15 Victoria Drive, SW19 6AD

18th August 2015 at 0700 p.m.
The next public meeting for Thamesfield Ward is at Jubilee House Putney

Your contribution will be valued and you could
make a difference to your neighbourhood.

In a non-emergency report crime online at or phone the new 101 number.

Alternatively you can provide information about any crime anonymously by calling Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Safer Neighbourhood Teams work closely with Wandsworth Council’s Community Safety Unit. The police and the council have a joint commitment to keeping people safe.

Useful council numbers include:

Switchboard 020 8871 6000
Community Safety 020 8871 6567
Anti-Social Behaviour 020 8871 8894
Graffiti Hotline 020 8871 7049
Out of Hours Noise line 020 8871 6170
Neighbourhood Watch 020 8871 8919

Your Local Team

Roehampton Ward: PC Andrew VOONG
West Putney Ward: PC Emma DONNELLY
Fairfield Ward: PC Mike DOWNEY
Southfield Ward: PC James ELVY
Thamesfield Ward: PC Alastair ADAMS
East Putney Ward: PC Martin COLE
West Hill Ward: PC Jeremy WESTON

May 11, 2015