The University of Roehampton Appoints World’s First Professor of Green Economics

Professor Molly Scott Cato will present her inaugural lecture next week

University of Roehampton
Laurence House
Roehampton Lane
SW15 5PJ

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Professor Molly Scott Cato will present her inaugural lecture - “There is No Wealth But Life: Rethinking Economics, Enterprise and Regeneration – at the University on Monday 3 February 2014.

Professor Cato is a leading world expert in the area of green economics which combines a concern for environmental sustainability with an equal emphasis on social justice. She has been published widely and is the author of several books in the field including Green Economics and The Bioregional Economy.

Speaking ahead of her lecture, Prof Scott Cato said:
'I am really delighted to have this opportunity to put the emerging discipline of green economics on the map. Issues ranging from the recent extreme weather we have seen to loss of species and poor air quality all indicate that our economy is not living comfortably within our environment. My work is about maximising well-being with the minimum use of resources and the minimum production of pollution. I am so pleased that the University of Roehampton provides me with an academic home within which I can pursue this important work.'

The University of Roehampton has a long-standing and demonstrable commitment to sustainability. Professor Scott Cato serves on the University’s Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Committee. Together with the Roehampton Students’ Union, the University’s Environment Team has launched Growhampton - a project designed to transform the University into an “edible” campus and a model for sustainable food.

January 31, 2014