New Plans For Roehampton Regeneration On Display |
As eight week consultation period for residents starts
New plans showing a range of ideas for regenerating the heart of Roehampton have gone on display in the area. Local people can see the plans at Roehampton library in Danebury Avenue. They will be on display until 6th April. The exhibitions display boards can be viewed on the council’s website. Residents can download the feedback questionnaire. The exhibition will give local residents the chance to look at the latest proposals in detail and enable them to comment on the initiative. The plans include a new modernised library, complete with café and community space, a new food supermarket with new retail units available for existing businesses and new purpose built accommodation for a youth centre, housing office and police office. In addition the plans call for new homes, each with access to shared communal open space, while each new family unit would boast its own garden. The council is investigating ways it could help existing tenants in the area buy homes in the new development. The council's regeneration spokesman Cllr James Cousins said:
February 26, 2014 |