Road Closures Ahead in Putney and Roehampton

Diversions in the local area due to road works


Traffic and Travel Problems in Putney

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A205 Upper Richmond Road, Barnes
13 January — 14 January Traffic control (two-way signals)
Delays likely due to Streetworks
Remedial Reinstatement at A205
Responsibility: Fulcrum Pipelines Limited

A205 Upper Richmond Road, Putney
13 January — 14 January Traffic control (multi-way signals)
Delays likely due to Streetworks
24/055 Tel55727 - Slot Cut C/W Sensor Loops To Repair Traffic Signals Sd7 Plus Feed To Existing Chamber (F/W 2m New Duct And Underkerb) 21.00-05.00 (One Night), Westbound C/W Swapping Lane 1& 2 And F/W To Chamber (Ped Access Maintained) at A205
Responsibility: Transport For London

A3209 Putney Bridge Road, Wandsworth
14 January — 15 January Lane closure
Delays likely due to Streetworks
Maintenance: Failed Patch Sunken Deep +Cracking Lane 1 Them Move To Lane 2 at A3209
Responsibility: Transport For London

B349 Mill Hill Road, Barnes,
14 January — 18 January Traffic control (two-way signals)
Delays likely due to Streetworks
B Box Install
Responsibility: Thames Water

A3 Wandsworth High Street, Wandsworth
15 January — 16 January Lane closure
Delays likely due to Streetworks
10/047 Tel58992 - Access Tfl Traffic Signal Pole 19 On Central Island, Backing Boards Needs To Be Fixed. 23:00-05:00 at A3
Responsibility: Transport For London
EToN status: Planned work about to start


Water Leaks and Gas Escapes

Do not assume that someone else has phoned it in. Please do not report these to the Council. The following free phone numbers should be used to report leaks

WATER: 0800 714614
GAS: 0800 111999

All utility companies have to prioritise works across our borough as well as other boroughs in south London. The On Street Services team actively monitors works on the public highway and works with utility companies to minimise disruption as much as possible.

For further information please contact the Engineer in the first instance via their telephone number, or Mr Don Ogunyemi on Tel No 020 8871 6712, Fax 020 8871 3174, E-mail

January 14, 2016