Diversions in the local area due to road works
A205 Upper Richmond Road, Putney
15 November — 15 November Road closure
Delays likely due to Streetworks
Crane -This Is A Full Road Closure Of Upper Richmond Road - Hgvs And Buses Diverted At Junctions With Rocks Lane And Putney High Street - Cars And Cyclists Diverted At Carmalt Gardens And Balmuir Gardens - Working Hours:0800-1600 - 24h Contact: Brian Parnell 01895232109 Tman N1500819-001-W001 at A205
Responsibility: Transport For London
A306 Roehampton Lane, Roehampton,
30 October — 16 November Contra-flow
Delays likely due to Streetworks
Working On Behalf Of Thames Water Carrying Out Mains Connections In Order To Provide A Better Water Main Network. Works Will Be In The C/W Using Contra Flow at A306
Responsibility: Thames Water
A205 Upper Richmond Road, Putney
07 November — 15 November Traffic control (two-way signals)
Delays likely due to Streetworks
New Water Connections 2x100mm Off 12'' And 4x32mm Off Of A 100mm at A205
Responsibility: Thames Water
Upper Richmond Road SW15
Sunday 15/11/15 is closed between the junctions Carmalt Gardens and Balmuir Gardens for a crane operation. Local diversions apply.
Contact TFL 0343 222 1234
Source: Roadworks.org
Water Leaks and Gas Escapes
Do not assume that someone else has phoned it in. Please do not report these to the Council. The following free phone numbers should be used to report leaks
WATER: 0800 714614
GAS: 0800 111999
All utility companies have to prioritise works across our borough as well as other boroughs in south London. The On Street Services team actively monitors works on the public highway and works with utility companies to minimise disruption as much as possible.
For further information please contact the Engineer in the first instance via their telephone number, or Mr Don Ogunyemi on Tel No 020 8871 6712, Fax 020 8871 3174, E-mail dogunyemi@wandsworth.gov.uk.
November 15, 2015