Momentum Extends Services To St George's Hospital

Putney mum welcomes new initiative supporting kids with cancer



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A mother-of-two from Putney, whose son suffered from leukaemia, says she welcomes a new initiative which will provide extra support to local children with cancer being treated at St George’s Hospital.

Joanne Butter, who has been a Putney resident for nine years, said the new family support programme being launched by the small London-based children’s charity Momentum will help dozens of sick children, their parents and siblings.

Jo’s son, now eight, was diagnosed with leukaemia when he was just three years old and since then he has endured years of treatment, including numerous scans, blood tests and intensive chemotherapy.

Much of her son’s treatment was at Kingston Hospital where Momentum charity already working very closely with staff and patients.

Jo said:
“During this time Momentum supported my entire family. Momentum helped us by giving us the opportunity to spend quality family time together, creating special memories despite the traumatic and difficult time we were going through. They made the hospital seem a much less frightening place, providing treats to brighten up my son’s days. Momentum is a very special charity.”

Now Momentum has extended its support to St George’s Hospital and will support over 100 local children. This will include emotional and practical support, coffee mornings, one-to-one sessions with the charity’s Parent Liaison Director and trips and outings for the families.

The charity will also fund the refurbishment of two isolation rooms on the children’s oncology ward to enhance the healing environment.

St George’s director of Corporate Affairs Peter Jenkinson said:
“We’re very grateful for Momentum’s support and look forward to working with them in supporting the children being treated at St George’s and improving the care environment.”
Momentum is now appealing to local people to help raise funds for its project.

The charity receives no government funding so relies entirely on the support of the public and funds raised through its charity work. To find out more about the charity's work or to make a donation please visit their website

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June 8, 2013