Lisa Smart Welcomes Tax Cut For Putney Families

1730 Wandsworth workers wont pay income tax


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Putney Liberal Democrat campaigner, Lisa Smart has welcomed in government's  £200 tax cut for 97,000 local people in Wandsworth. 1730 of Wandsworth lowest paid workers won’t pay any income tax at all.  This represents progress on a key Liberal Democrat manifesto commitment.

The announcement made at the budget in March means no-one will pay any income tax on the first £8,100 they earn. Unlike Labour who took them for granted, Lib Dems in Government are delivering a fairer deal for hard working families. 

Lisa with local resident "This change makes tax fairer for hard working families".

Lisa says:
“The decision to increase the personal tax allowance is benefiting thousands of families in Putney and is a major step forward towards a
fairer tax system. This demonstrates that Lib Dems in Government are committed to making work pay and supporting those on middle and low incomes.”

May 18, 2011