'Yes To Fairer Votes' Volunteers Available At Boat Race For Information

A Yes will make your "MP work harder"

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With only 41 days to go until the Fairer Votes Referendum on 5th May, volunteers from Putney will be out in force for the Oxford & Cambridge Boat Race this Saturday.  They will be near Putney Bridge wearing purple, talking to the crowds and explaining how to make MPs work harder for your vote.

Local campaigner Lisa Smart will be joining the grassroots volunteers and hopes to pursuade those voters who are still undecided to vote Yes in May. 
"I spent the first 18 years of my life living in a part of the country where it felt like it didn't matter how an individual voted as the same party would be voted in time afer time.  A Yes vote on 5th May will make all MPS work harder, will make more voices heard and will end MPs having a job for life."

This is a once in a generation chance to change the UK's broken electoral system for good.  Iif you would like to get involved simply log onto yestofairervotes.org for details of local events.

March 25, 2011