Putney Man Wins 'Responsible Investment Adviser' Award

Mark Hoskin won his award last week at the Unbiased.co.uk Media Awards

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Putney resident, Mark Hoskin who works at Financial Planning and Investment firm Holden & Partners said:“It was a very fun evening put on by Unbiased, it was good to win the Responsible Investment Adviser of the Year Award. The award is really a reflection of the work we do at Holden & Partners for our clients and also for the industry in setting up Blue & Green Investor, which has helped other advisers and investors understand what this area is all about and the great opportunities within it.”

The unbiased.co.uk Media Awards celebrates excellence from the media advisers and journalists who use unbiased.co.uk’s Bluebook. The evening not only rewards the important work advisers and journalists carry out to promote the value of advice in the local, national, online and broadcast media, but also offers a unique networking opportunity. Meet with the most influential advisers, prominent journalists and leading industry spokespeople. The awards are your exclusive opportunity to connect with these crucial contacts while enjoying cocktails and canapés in a relaxed and glamorous environment.

Holden & Partners are independent financial advisers (IFAs) in London (Farringdon), the South East and East Anglia. They provide financial planning advice and investment advice to individuals, charities, trusts and companies. Holden & Partners are also chartered financial planners. H&P are an IFA company that also has a specialism in ethical and green investment advice and advice on making alternative and socially responsible investments.

February 20, 2014

February 20, 2014