Notable Absence in Candidates For Local Elections

Former Tory then Independent Councillor, Robert Morritt is not on list

East Putney Councillor Loses Tory Whip

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The lists of candidates standing for the local elections on 22nd May 2014 are now available and there is a notable absence from the list for East Putney; Robert Morritt.

Cllr Morritt pictured left has been involved in a scandal regarding expenses; the allegations have been detailed on the website
"The scandal is centred around the group’s agent at the last election Rob Morritt who was exposed for fraudulently cooking the books to hide more than £30,000 in missing money and a secret £25,000 Addison Lee bill. Blank cheques, dodgy expenses and lies – Morritt used every trick in the book."

Cllr Morritt continued as an Independent Councillor.

The remaining candidates are:

East Putney:

George CRIVELLI - Conservative

Eileen Ann FLANAGAN - Labour

Joe GIBBONS - Labour

Ravi GOVINDIA - Conservative

Bob KNOWLES - Labour

Leslie MCDONNELL Conservative

Fernanda MIUCCI-CASALE - Liberal Democrats

Richard John MORRIS - Green Party

Godfrey SHOCKET - Liberal Democrats

Mike Byron WELLS - UK Independence Party (UKIP)

John WILLIAMS - Liberal Democrats

Roehampton & Putney Heath:

Jeremy AMBACHE - Labour

Peter ANTHONY - Conservative

Peter Jon CARPENTER - Labour

Toby FENWICK - Liberal Democrats

Graham Peter HUMPHREYS - Green Party

Martin MCGANN - Conservative

Sue MCKINNEY - Labour

Jenny NICKELS - Conservative

Katia PETROS - Liberal Democrats

Moira Ross SANDERS - Liberal Democrats

Edwina TURNER - UK Independence Party (UKIP)


Richard Francis CARTER - Green Party

Henry COMPSON - Liberal Democrats

Steve GIBBONS - Labour

Janet GRIMSHAW - Labour

Peter JOHNSON - Liberal Democrats

Chris LOCKE - Labour

Jim MADDAN - Conservative

Richard PAYNE - UK Independence Party (UKIP)

Mike RYDER - Conservative

Rosemary Clare TORRINGTON - Conservative

Nick ZHANG - Liberal Democrats

West Hill:

Nick CUFF - Conservative

Catherine DEVONS - Liberal Democrats

Stephen John GALLAGHER - Labour

Malcolm Charles GRIMSTON - Conservative

Angie IRELAND - Labour

Basheer KHAN - Labour

Andrew Edward PETERKIN - Conservative

Tom SOKOLOWSKI - Green Party

Ben TYLER - Liberal Democrats

Hugo VAN RANDWYCK - UK Independence Party (UKIP)

Chris WARD - Liberal Democrats

West Putney:

Finna Jane AYRES - Labour
Jane COOPER - Conservative
Eileen COTTIS - Liberal Democrats

Alexandros GERMANIS - Green Party

Anthony Whitehead HODGES - UK Independence Party (UKIP)

Ian LEWER - Conservative

Christopher Edward POOLE - Green Party

Donald James ROY - Labour

Jamie SADDLER - Liberal Democrats

Anthony Nigel STEVENS - Labour

Steffi SUTTERS - Conservative

Rob WILLIAMS - Liberal Democrats

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May 1, 2014