Physical Barrier Removed But Restrictions Still Apply

Council monitoring motorists reaction to electonic system at Dryburgh Rd junction

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Residents in West Putney may be tempted to zip down Dryburgh Rd now the physical barrier is no longer in place, however, they should be aware that the restrictions are still in place. Restrictions apply with the access from the Upper Richmond Road Monday to Friday 07.00am-10.00am

As John Cameron posted on the forum: " ....don't be tempted to nip through, (when the signs are on), as if you do you a PCN for a moving traffic offence will surely follow, the fine is £80".

A spokesman for Wandsworth Council told"As part of the council's ongoing review of services across the board, and in line with its long standing commitment to offer residents affordable, value for money services, we have decided that the money spent opening and closing this barrier each day would be better spent in other areas like fixing potholes and repairing broken pavements.

"The electronic replacement signs are very clear and would leave drivers in no doubt whatsoever that this morning restriction is still in place. We do not anticipate many motorists contravening this rule, especially those living locally who will be well aware it exists. We will however be monitoring the situation closely and will take enforcement action if that is deemed necessary."

You have been warned!

January 24, 2014