Man Arrested For Shoplifting Had Evaded Capture For 18 Months

Thamesfield SNT officers made arrests as the two men were 'acting suspiciously'


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Police in Putney

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One man entered the store and was looking at Sat Nav chargers and accessories located close to the door. The other acted as lookout. On seeing the officers the lookout alerted the other male and they separated, but both were stopped and questioned and subsequently searched for stolen property.

The lookout was in possession of a bag that contained a Sat Nav and also a new box that contained a Sat Nav charger, the box still had security tags and distinctive tape on it.

The man who entered the shop gave false details but was eventually identified and was found to be wanted for breach of a court order, having evaded capture for eighteen months.

Enquiries with local stores revealed that the charger originated from Halfords in Putney High Street and the two males had been seen there very recently. Both males were arrested on suspicion of theft.

Enquiries later showed that the Sat Nav had been stolen from a vehicle parked in Putney Bridge Road in the early hours of that morning.

CCTV at Halfords showed the male acting as lookout at Maplins, actually stealing the boxed charger. This male was subsequently charged with theft shoplifting at Halfords and Handling Stolen Goods in respect of the Sat Nav. The other male was remanded in custody to appear at court for breach of the court order.

Sergeant Roger Chapple of Thamesfield Safer Neighbourhood Team said:
“This is a good example of the officers’ alertness and of them following their instincts to a successful conclusion. Vehicle crime continues to be a problem across Thamesfield Ward and we would appeal to the public to take proper care of their property and report anything suspicious concerning vehicle crime.”

January 26, 2012