Hotham Primary School Centenary

100 Years of schooling with 100 years of policing

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On Friday 9th July Thamesfield Safer Neighbourhoods Team together with assistance from the MPS Historic Vehicle Fleet, MPS Historic Collection and the Mounted Branch put on a display for the visitors to Hotham Primary School in Putney. To support the schools centenary on one of the hottest days of the year, officers wore historic police uniforms from the 1900s.

On display was a 1970s Triumph 2.5PI area car and information relation to historical policing in Wansdsworth and Putney.

During the event Thamesfield officers provided the children with copies of their fingerprints and also explained about the historic uniform and equipment on display.

PS Chapple said,
“The children and adults were all fascinated by the old style uniforms and the fingerprinting and horses were as popular as ever, though the wartime air raid siren proved to be a bit of a shock to the ears of the younger generation when it was cranked up! This was an excellent way of engaging with the pupils and their families and the team really entered into the spirit of celebrating the school’s centenary.”


July 15, 2010