Active8 Putney Update

Local charity optimistic for progress in the near future.

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Active8's pilot programme in Putney has had a rough start but the charity is now making changes and its volunteers are very optimistic about getting on track with 20 inactive kids in Putney.

Taster Sessions

Maloca have run several taster sessions at Elliott School in February covering all the girls in the school. The reception was very strong with several girls expressing an interest in being more active through the programme. The next step is for Elliott School to give Active8 a list of interested inactive students, something which the charity are very excited about.

Changes to the Original Structure

Active8 have made two important changes to the original project structure.

To accelerate the identification of 20 inactive kids to support, Catalina and Giuseppe from Maloca will use their existing contacts in local schools rather than rely on others to refer students.

The local charity have also specified that the fee for the programme covers working with 20 inactive kids rather than “per programme”. This will give much more flexibility on how quickly they can start and also ties payments to results more clearly.


Sam Vines of Open Cinema has begun filming to document what Active8 are doing and the impact of the programme for participants. He’s had several filming sessions so far but hasn’t completed any publishable pieces yet – look forward to this soon.


Active8 have had two new people volunteering their time to forward this effort.

Zena Howard is a marketing and PR consultant and Putney resident who has contributed her time and experience to propose fundraising and communications suggestions for the expansion of Active8.

Tanya Roche is an award winning photographer who has begun to support us in visual communications – in particular supporting Sam Vines.

Link to Big Dance 2012

The charity have had initial discussions with Jacqueline Rose, the Director of Big Dance 2012 with a view to linking Active8 with Big Dance 2012. Jacqueline is a big fan of the work of Active8 and has described the charity as “ground-breaking”. The plan is to schedule a planning meeting with Jacqueline once the first lot of kids have been confirmed in the first programme.


Active8 have had an encouraging discussion with the directors of the Reform Programme. The Reform Programme is a group of consultants who have created a trust to provide seed money for community programmes that make a difference – with kids in particular. They are interested in exploring the idea of their support in creating Active8 as a sustainable programme making a difference with hundreds of kids each year. They are willing to contribute their money as well as their time and expertise in this area. The Reform Programme created the “extended schools programme”. There is soon to be a meeting between Steve Cabrera (Active8), Phil Rumbelow (CEO, Jubilee Hall Trust), and one of the directors of the Reform Programme.

Wider Impact

Through the connections we created with Elliott School and Wandsworth, Maloca have begun regularly engaging young people in Latin American fitness. There are now weekly classes at Elliott School open to everyone. They have also begun working with special needs kids at Geenmead School in Putney. Greenmead is a potential source of kids for Active8 as well. Both of these accomplishments are wider impacts of the Active8 programme.

Next Step?

The clear next step and highest priority is to confirm 20 inactive kids on the programme!

April 3, 2012