Eddie Catz Makes Plea for Local Support

Want their continued residency to be condition of approval for High Street plan


Application Submitted for Major Putney High Street Development

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The founders of local children's play centre Eddie Catz are asking for local support for their attempt to secure their future in Putney.

A planning application to demolish the building they currently occupy on the corner of Putney High Street and Lacy Road has been submitted. The block on 56-70 Putney High Street would be replaced with an 8 storey structure and the current designs have no provision for Eddie Catz to stay.

How Putney high street site looks now

Eddie Catz is situated on the first floor of building to be demolished

major site on Putney High Street

How the site would look

Eddie Catz were preparing to celebrate their 10 year anniversary in Putney in April.

Co-founder Maria Johnson said, "We are a local Putney family and we have served nearly a million children since opening, providing parents with a place for children to play, have parties and attend pre-school classes. Many children in our community have grown up in Eddie Catz - including our own. We have strong ties with all the local schools, many of whom lean on us for their own fundraising. We are a draw for the high street attracting families from as far as Acton and Kingston."

Maria says that they have only received one email from their landlord, British Land, about the proposal and they found out about the consultation through a third party.

She adds, "They paid us lip service ensuring they would consider us in the new scheme but have not and have gone ahead with planning permission for only retail and residential. We found this out after planning was submitted. We are not sure what purpose the 'consultation' served as our community all expressed concern for the fact that the plans did not show the provision of an Eddie Catz."

They would like as many people as possible to comment on the application asking that the application should be approved only if subject to a 'planning obligation 106'. This will require British Land to allocate a reasonable amount of space at a reasonable rent and rates and for a reasonable length of time for Eddie Catz.

A spokesman for British Land told PutneySW15.com:
"British Land has been in regular contact with Eddie Catz throughout the development of our proposals for 56-70 Putney High Street and these discussions are ongoing."

You can view and comment on the planning application on Wandsworth Council's web site with the application reference: 2014/7344

The proposal includes 110 new flats including an unspecified proportion of affordable housing and a new public area on Lacy Road. Commercial lettings will be maintained on the frontage to Putney High Street. A ‘new streetscape’ along Walker’s Place is also promised.

A public consultation on the proposals was held at St. Mary’s Church in October 2014. 164 people attended the exhibition over two days and British Land say they received positive feedback on the scheme with 84% of residents supporting the principle of developing the existing site.

February 7, 2015

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