Did You Know Or Work With George Pedliham?

Field Fisher Waterhouse (solicitors) appeal for witnesses

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We are solicitors instructed by the Estate of the late George Pedliham who has died of the asbestos-related disease of mesothelioma.

We are appealing for witnesses who can provide details of Mr Pedliham's exposure to asbestos.

His employers were:-
Charles Sayers & Son (Mitcham) Limited
G N Haden & Sons Limited
David F Wiseman & Sons Limited
Haden Young Limited
Keith Andrew & Co Limited

Mr Pedliham was born in 1935 and worked for all of these companies as a plumber, where he would have sustained substantial exposure to asbestos.

If you have any information that might assist then please call:

Andrew Morgan at Field Fisher Waterhouse (solicitors),
35 Vine Street,
London, EC3N 2AA
on 020 7861 4036 or send a message by email to andrew.morgan@ffw.com

Andrew Morgan, Field Fisher Waterhouse


February 13, 2014