Fancy Playing Tennis With Jamie Murray? Skiing With Eddie The Eagle?

Place your bids in on-line "Money Can’t Buy" Auction celebrating Give-It-Away's Tenth Birthday


Charlotte Grobien

Follow Charlotte on Twitter: @chargrob

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Putney resident Charlotte Grobein, founded 'Give it Away' in 2006 by Charlotte Grobien, with the sole purpose of using the property market to make profits to be entirely “given away” to local London and Surrey Charities.

Since then, donations totalling £1.6 million have been made. The proceeds have come from the building of 8 new residential homes in Putney and Woking area, rental from 2 apartments which were subsequently sold, and ongoing rental income from a property in Sutton.

After 10 years in “business” Charlotte Grobien said:
“I wanted to mark this Anniversary of hard work in the property business coupled with the delight of ‘giving and receiving’ by offering something different, but from which other people will directly benefit. This on-line Auction is special – only items which “money can’t buy” are on offer!".

The Auction is offering completely amazing experiences which money truly can’t get you, so if you make the winning bid, whether you ski with Eddie the Eagle or play tennis with Jamie Murray or take a Porsche for 24 hours to Sunseeker Yachts in Poole, you will know that as well as enjoying a unique event, you will be helping to change someone else’s life for the better.

The auction went live today (18th April) “live” on and will run until Tuesday May 3rd at 1200. Log on and see all 13 lots plus the Charities who will benefit.

Many charities representing different age groups and different needs have benefitted including children with terminal or life limiting illnesses and conditions, vulnerable young people from insecure backgrounds, those who have special needs both emotional and financial not met by today’s society, and adults suddenly facing difficulty after a spinal cord injury.

Charlotte continued: "Six of the Charities I have supported regularly will receive equal amounts from the proceeds and they are listed below with links to their web sites. Please give generously – you are guaranteed an exclusive experience together with the knowledge that someone else’s life will be improved immeasurably as a result.”

For the most part, donations are made to the smaller Charities not receiving Government grants or funding and always for a specific project in the London and Surrey areas.

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April 18, 2016