Lime Tree Saved From The Chop

Planning Committee turn down proposals for development of Mission Hall

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The 80 year old tree has been threatened by an application to demolish the existing Mission hall building and erect a new four-storey plus basement level building to provide a cookery school, a café some office use and 6 x 2 bedroom flats.

The lime tree and Mission Hall
The planning committee on Wednesday (23rd March) turned down the plan, on the grounds of the tree being under a preservation order and that the development would overshadow gardens in Mascotte Road too much.

The committee also found that the development was too large, out of keeping, loss of office space and associated small local businesses, 'another café is the last thing Putney needs'. Parking issues were also raised and with regards to the lime tree, the comments made were:
+ Loss of magnificent 18m plus lime tree which is a huge asset to the community
+ How can you allow felling of a healthy mature tree? One of the few mature trees in the area
+ The lime tree is a significant visual amenity and also good for the environment by improving air quality and pollution
+ Trees are our natural and purist way of controlling pollution and flooding
+ Any replacement planting would likely be young immature trees
+ The tree Is protected by a TPO for obvious reasons/ Makes a mockery of preservation orders
+ The developer has the opportunity to work around the tree but has chosen not to do so
+ Tree hides the unsightly red tiled side of Centrus building

Thamsfield councillor Mike Ryder told this website:
"I was delighted to have a chance to speak up for local residents about this proposal. That magnificent tree is the only full-size one left in the town centre proper, and what is the point of tree preservation orders if we don't use them to protect a magnificent tree like this?"

The Putney Society had objected to the developemt:
'The development is too bulky resulting in the upper flats being too close to, overshadowing and overlooking houses to the rear in Mascotte Road; loss of the splendid lime tree, which is a valued community asset being almost the only tree of this size anywhere near the High Street; the replacement tree planting is not a substitute for the loss of this important healthy mature lime tree; the Society does however welcome the internal changes to provide full replacement office floor areas instead of previously proposed dingy flats in the basement. Any consent should however include a condition removing any future p.d. rights which may be introduced to allow these offices to change to flats in the future.'

Keith Hawkins of the Better Putney Group, told this website:
"Better Putney were very happy to support the Putney Society , the residents of Mascotte Road and many local residents' objections to the proposed over-development of the Mission Hall site. In addition to making it clear that developing the site was not a reason for removing the protected 80-100 year old tree, it was good that Wandsworth's Planning Committee agreed the proposed building was simply too big - being higher than the current Mission Hall and the six flats too close to the back of the Mascotte Road homes - impacting on their privacy and light.

He continued:
" If the developers look to put forward fresh plans, this time we hope they consult with the local community, and put forward plans that are more modest in scale - whilst maintaining office space in the Putney Town Centre for small businesses - and obviously work around the presence of the tree".

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March 25, 2016