Residents say no to monopole on the Upper Richmond Rd

as T mobile proposes a new location for their monopole


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The residents ask that you support them and sign their petition.

Residents of Fairdale Gardens and the Upper Richmond Rd are up in arms as T Mobile plan a monopole (similar to that pictured left on the A3) on their doorstep following last years failure to place one on the Spencer Arms on the Lower Richmond Rd.

Neil Roxbourgh Clark a local resident and campaigner told us

"...the residents in the location are not happy about this and have made our objections known to the planning committee. However we have been told that the only consideration that the planning committee are allowed is whether the mast is unsightly, not whether there is a health issue.
These masts are not allowed on schools, which indicates that there may be a health issue, and there are plenty of children and babies living in very close proximity to this proposed mast.

It will be unsightly, but we are angry that there is no appeal to be had on grounds of safety."

The residents ask that you support them and sign their petition.



February 9, 2006