The Mystery Of The Missing Bins

Council blames fly tippers as bins are removed for trial scheme

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In May residents on the forum commented that there were less bins in Putney, examples given from Erpingham Road, at the junction with Clarendon Drive, at the junction with the path through to All Saint's School and Putney Heath.

Rubbish by bus stop on Putney Heath

There was much speculation regarding the reason including council cutbacks and terrorist threats. The council were approached as to the real reason and we have been advised that it is part of a trial scheme to tackle litter and fly-tipping.

A spokesperson for the council told this web site: “The council is working hard to keep Wandsworth’s streets clean and this includes testing out new trial schemes to gauge their effectiveness in the battle against litter louts. We constantly re-evaluate the placing of bins and the best way to tackle litter and fly-tipping and concentrate our efforts where we think they will have the most impact.

“Unfortunately many street bins have become magnets for flytippers who dump bin bags and other household waste next to them. These then get ripped open by foxes and cats and their contents end up strewn across the pavement, which is why we have removed some of those that are regularly abused in this way. As we still have weekly refuse collections this is totally selfish and unnecessary behaviour on the part of this small minority of residents.

“At the same time we have put extra resources into our rapid reaction clear-up team who can remove flytips quickly and also stepped up enforcement activity so that we catch the people causing this problem. This is having a positive impact with more than 350 flytippers caught, punished and fined since May 1. We think this kind of costly lesson will encourage these people to dispose of their waste properly in future. It is important that we test out new ideas to curb this anti-social behaviour and educate people into changing their ways. “

Rubbish levels around Putney common are on the increase with picnics as the weather improves - it appears that it is easy to carry the heavy full bag of food and drink but impossible to take home the lighter empty rubbish at the end of the event.

One forum member commented:" The one on Putney common by the number 22 final bus stop, spencer arms also gone! I have to pick up rubbish in morning on my way to work!"

In addition the recycling bins on the Embankment by Leader Gardens have also been removed. Sharon Wright, Waste Manager for Wandsworth Council told the forum member :

I’m afraid the banks will not be returned as the public recycling site service has been withdrawn entirely, across the whole Borough.
There are several reason for this.
* The actual recycling yield from the public sites was very poor.
* These banks were frequently contaminated with non-recyclable materials.
* The sites attracted fly tipping (see attached).
* We have evidence of the public recycling banks being used incorrectly by businesses.

As all residents in Wandsworth , if they want, have access to recycling services from their homes, there is little argument for the need for on-street banks."

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July 7, 2016