Yin Yoga With Yaur Yoga

Explore the slower paced, meditative style practice of yin - for all levels

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Join Sophie Goddard and Putney's Aggy Piech on Saturday 11th March for a two-hour yin yoga workshop. Yin yoga is the perfect antidote to a busy, demanding and stressful life. A beautifully restorative practice, yin yoga helps to slow down the body and mind through longer held floor stretches and a focus on staying in the present moment rather than rushing through to the next.

Yin yoga benefits the body by releasing tension in the muscles and helping to increase agility, flexibility and mobility of the joints. The longer held poses also encourage a stillness and steadying of the busy, chattering mind, which in turn reduces stress and promotes clarity and focus.

The workshop will include an introduction to yin yoga, some anatomy background, a mindfulness practice, followed by an exploration of yin poses. You will enter deep relaxation and release allowing you to fully let go and create space in your body and mind.

You will learn tools to take away that you can bring into your yoga practice as well as into your day-to-day life, helping you live in the present moment. You will float away from the workshop more open and ready for whatever lies ahead of you.

The workshop is open to all levels and no prior yoga experience is necessary. Wear comfortable clothing.

The workshop will take place at Synergy 81 in Chessington, a short hop down the A3 or 25 minutes from Clapham Junction by train. The cost of the workshop is £25. To book email: sophiegoddard11@gmail.com

February 27, 2017



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