Putney Goes Totally Thames This Weekend

Loads of activities and events this weekend as part of the Thames Festival


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The fun starts on Friday in Church Square. As well as a mini funfair, street food and gift stalls, there will be a poetry performance and a kids’ dance workshop.

The main event will be the Totally Thames Putney Fun Day on Saturday. The first boats in the Great River Race are expected to pass by at midday.

In Church Square enjoy live music, street dance and performances. St Mary’s Church is hosting a day of musical performances featuring Sinfonia Tamesa, Fulham Camerata and the Wandsworth Symphony Orchestra and at 2pm there is a presentation on the Levellers by Professor Justin Champion as part of a commemoration of the Putney Debates.

Meanwhile on the Embankment there will be stalls, street food and a Radio Jackie Roadshow, plus dance workshops and an RNLI demonstration.

Children and adults are invited to create chalk pavement drawings inspired by the river Thames from 11a.m to 3pm and there will be a Punch and Judy Show at 11.30am, 1pm, 2pm and 3pm.

Paddle boarding Active 360 will be offering 45 minute taster sessions at 11a.m and 12 p.m. More experienced paddle boarders can join an instructor-led session to Kew bridge at 1.30pm.

On Sunday there will be live music in Church Square.

The weekend has been organised by the Putney Partnership as part of the Thames Festival. Other Thames Festival events will be held in Battersea.

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September 10, 2015