Putney Society Meeting on Local Air Quality

Discussion to focus on the impact of pollution on child health

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The Putney Society have organised a meeting on the impact of poor air quality on child health on 22 September at 7.30pm at St Mary's Church by Putney Bridge.

Speakers will include:

Leonie Cooper AM, Chair of the Environment Committee, GLA
Dr Ian Mudway, Kings College: Lecturer in Respiratory Toxicology, Lung Biology Group, Environmental Research Group.
Diana Silva, Kings College: Researching Community-led air quality assessment in London - social, health and environmental outcomes.
David Kennett, Team Leader (Environmental Initiatives) Wandsworth Borough Council

This follows on from the citizen science project the Society undertook in February and March, which showed that EU levels for NO2 were breached at locations near three schools.

Exposure to NO2 leads initially to respiratory problems, but can lead in the longer term to permanent lung damage and heart problems. In children exposed to polluted air lungs may never develop properly.

The speakers will:
- outline the evidence for the impact on NO2 and particulate pollution on children
- describe work with primary schools in local boroughs to raise awareness of the impact of air pollution
- provide more details for Mayor Sadiq Khan's plans to reduce pollution levels across London

Members' Meetings are free to all Putney Society members, non-members will be charged £3 entry at the door.

September 16, 2016

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