The Friends of Wandsworth Park AGM

Plastics: Think Globally, Act Locally. What Can We Do To Make A Difference?

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The Friends of Wandsworth Park (FoWP) AGM is on 4 September 2018, 7.00pm (bar opens 6.30pm) at the Hurlingham Yacht Club, 43A Deodar Road, Putney SW15 2NP.

They have scheduled a group of guest speakers (Plastic Free Barnes; Barnes Tidy Towpath Group; Hubbub - For Fishes Sake) to address what is being accomplished in nearby communities to deal with the ever-encroaching plastics problem and how FoWP as a community group can create a campaign to support the worldwide movement to reduce plastic in all our lives.

Wandsworth Park is no different and residents all need to work together and be vigilant about managing this challenge by discouraging plastic use in the park and across Putney.

Chair, Pat Gross told this website: "The Friends are now celebrating four years of hard work and some pretty fantastic accomplishments. We've truly worked to preserve and protect our dear park for all, create some wonderful events with the local schools, some fun family events like Children's Theatre and bat walks. We've adopted and revived dead flowerbeds, have fought to protect the River Terrace for the public (not once, but twice) and succeeded in getting it declared an ACV (Asset of Community Value) and we promise we are working exceptionally hard to open it again very soon. (We apologise profusely for the delays in getting the necessary repairs completed and eliminating all potential health and safety risks, but much of this is beyond our control)."

The friends invite all to join them on the 4 September - members, the community and new members are welcome.

August 9, 2018


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