Thamesfield Ward E-Bulletin November 2010

Dates for your diary, Local Issues, Events & more

Please feel free to forward this e-bulletin to friends and neighbours in the area
who might be interested.

Edward Lister, Jim Maddan and Rosemary Torrington Councillors, Thamesfield Ward, Putney, Wandsworth Borough Council.

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Welcome to the November edition of our e-bulletin which we hope you find helpful and informative. Please feel free to forward this e-bulletin to friends and neighbours in the area who might be interested.

Thames Tunnel

Thames Water’s three month consultation on their proposals for a Thames Tunnel is underway. The proposed tunnel would extend from Hammersmith to Beckton Sewage Treatment Works. The consultation runs until 20 th December 2010. Full details of the proposals can be found on
It is possible to respond to the consultation online at:

IT IS IMPORTANT FOR EVERYONE TO HAVE A SAY ON THESE PROPOSALS. Your councillors will be working hard to ensure that disruption is kept to a minimum, that sites are restored to their original state (or better) and that Thames Water stick to their side of the bargain.

Cllrs Maddan and Torrington put several points to Thames Water at the recent exhibition in Putney Exchange and we thought it might be helpful to set out their responses.


The large site at Hammersmith Pumping station down-stream from Hammersmith Bridge is already served by an existing wharf and the site has been cleared but has not been used for at least 8 years why can’t this be used as an alternative to Barn Elms?


Reply. It is owned by a developer and in a more residential area than Barn Elms. The Hammersmith Pumping station site is at the end of the tunnel and so we would prefer to use Barn Elms because we will be able to excavate the tunnel in two directions from Barn Elms.

Cllrs’ observations – we put it to Thames Water that Barn Elms and HPS were so close that there was little to be gained in terms of excavating in both directions and that a site based more centrally would offer greater opportunities for dual direction excavations. We were not convinced by the point about HPS being in a residential area because the site is sufficiently large to accommodate the wharf well away from homes and businesses in Hammersmith.


We are concerned that the proposed wharf adjacent to Barn Elms will close the tow path for 7 years what can be done to keep it open?


Reply. The proposals have not been finalised and we are waiting to see the results of the consultation. It’s possible that we would gate the tow path so that the tow path would only need to be closed when materials were being delivered. We will use a conveyor belt to take out spoil excavated from the tunnel so we will not need to close the tow path on this account.


If there is a wharf at Barn Elms why can’t all the material be brought by river and spoil taken away by river to avoid any need at all to use local roads?


Reply. We are exploring this with Port of London Authority at present. If we can use river transport for everything we will.


The large wharf proposed at Barn Elms is a long way out into the river. It will have a massive impact on the rowing community and is likely to stop the Boat Race, the Great River Race and all the head of the river races from proceeding for 7 years. Rowers practice constantly on this stretch of the river because their boat houses are located here. Sailing also takes place on the Barn Elms reach. What are your proposals to enable rowing and sailing to continue?


Reply. We have talked to several rowers who are keen to see the project proceed because they have picked up viral infections from the sewage outflows. We may have to dredge the river on the north side in order to create new channels for river sports. The foreshore on the north bank is very high at low tide so there are fewer channels for river sports.


We are concerned that Thames Water may exceed their scheduled programme of 7 years.


Reply. We will be incorporating penalty clauses into our contracts with the contractors.

Cllrs’ observations – The Council will be looking for similar protections as a condition of any use of its own land.


Why don’t you use the existing road to Barn Elms playing fields that runs from the Red Lion pub, down Queen Elizabeth Walk and behind the Barn Elms boathouse instead of constructing a new road across the middle of Barn Elms playing fields?


Reply. The proposed new road across Barn Elms playing fields is only there for the period of construction works. This is the shortest route and will have less impact than bringing construction materials through the road that serves the Wetlands Centre. We will be reinstating the playing fields at the end of 7 years.


Cllrs’ observations – if all materials and spoil can be transported by river there should be no need for a new road for 7 years across Barn Elms playing fields. The Council will be looking for compensation for loss of use of the playing fields for 7 years.


We are interested to see pedestrian access across Beverly Brook in the area of the weir. At present pedestrians either have to walk down Festing Road to get to the tow path or approach it via Putney Common and behind the Ranelagh Estate beside the Scout hut. It would benefit the Estate, local residents and dog walkers to gain easier and quicker access to the tow path by crossing Beverly Brook here.


Reply. We are open to suggestions and would welcome these sorts of points in response to the consultation.


Does the permanent construction following the completed project need to be so large?


Reply. A number of people have told us how attractive it is.

Cllrs’ observations – we will seek to secure the least obtrusive construction and land-take possible.


Will any of the mature trees on Barn Elms need to be removed?


Reply. We are trying to make sure that access to the proposed wharf will be between the trees so that no trees need to be removed.


Will the permanent hard-standing at Putney foreshore reduce the amount of green space available to the public at Watermans’ Green?


Reply. No. We are extending the slip way out into the river so that the hard-standing area will be wider by taking space in the river.


Will there be any impact on the river bus and Putney pier as a result of the works at Putney foreshore?


Reply. No.


We are concerned about the 10m high ventilation shaft in front of Kenilworth Court. Will sewage odours be blown across to residential homes?


Reply. The position of the ventilation shaft is not finalised. It could be moved nearer to Putney Bridge. We would welcome feed-back during the consultation on this point. We would only expect odours to be emitted occasionally and the aim is to design a ventilation shaft sufficiently tall to disperse odours above residential windows.


When is the next consultation?

All responses will be collated and a final proposal will be drawn up. This will be consulted upon, probably in Summer 2011


The West London River Group is holding a meeting in the Ranelagh Club on 17 November at 7.00pm to discuss the Thames Tunnel (Please note this meeting is NOT open to the public sorry).

There are two proposed sites which will affect Thamesfield residents. The first and most significant is a large site just over the Beverley Brook on a large area of Barn Elms Playing Fields. The second site is by the Putney Draw Dock and Waterman’s Green, between Putney Bridge and Putney Pier.

Full details of Thames Waters’ proposals can be found via the links above.

Please feel free to copy us into any responses to the consultation. Thamesfield councillors and the Council itself will be making representations in response to the consultation.;;;


River transport during the tube strike
(2100 hrs 2 Nov – 2100 hrs 3 Nov)

The river bus service from Putney Pier and Wandsworth Riverside Quarter will be laying on additional services to transport commuters during the tube strike. The boat will depart from Putney Pier at 6.20, 7.00, 7.30, 8.00 and 8.30am (five minutes later from WRQ) and stopping at Embankment then Blackfriars where Thames Clipper connections to eastbound destinations can be picked up. There will be return services from Blackfriars and Embankment in the evening. The full timetable and updates can be found at

It is also possible to join the Barclays Bike Hire scheme run in conjunction with TfL as a further option for travelling around


Fireworks in Battersea Park

This year’s fireworks display takes place on Saturday 6 November in Battersea Park. The gates, bar and food court open at 6pm. The bonfire is lit at 7.30pm followed by the fireworks at 8pm. The food bar offers a choice of international BBQ, noodle bar, Mexican, hot dogs and burgers, roasted chestnuts, toffee apples, candy floss, jacket potatoes, vegetarian feast and speciality sausage stall. Mulled wine and beer, soft drinks and hot drinks can be purchased from food trailers.  

Pyrotechnics are designed by Pains Fireworks Tickets are £6, children aged under 10 £1, can be purchased from the following gates from 8am to 5pm on 6 November: Albert, Chelsea, Rosery and Sun. Tickets can then purchased from 6pm from the above gates as well as: Alexandra, Beechmore, Ethelburga and MacDuff.
Advance tickets (same price plus £1 booking fee) by telephoning 08450706870 from 9am-5pm Monday to Friday.


Putney Christmas Market – Friday 3 December (4-8.30pm)

This will be the third year of this popular community event organised by the Putney Partnership. So far this year 40+ stallholders will be setting up in Church Square selling presents and stocking fillers alongside stalls offering food and drinks. There is plenty of entertainment for everyone. For children there will be a carousel and bouncy castle as well as a lantern procession around the town centre. Choirs from St Mary’s School, Hotham School both in Hotham Road and Hurlingham School in Putney Bridge Road will be singing carols. Children from St Mary’s School and Hotham School will be processing with lanterns which they have made in art classes. The procession starts at around 5.30pm from the library and goes down the High Street, through the Exchange arriving in Church Square in time for the lights to be switched on at 6pm.
For those returning from work or for local employees leaving work there will be a live band from 6.15pm.

There will be lots to eat and drink for anyone coming after work and the shops will remain open until 8pm on that evening. The market offers an opportunity to support Putney’s local independent shops and outlets as well as being an enjoyable occasion for the local community. Current stalls so far include:

Banger Bros - sausages

Barbara Stanley Gallery – prints

Baronessa – handmade jewellery

Bell & Brisket – salt beef wraps, bagels and pretzels – photo frames, clocks etc

Brengolou – handmade jewellery

Bunches & Pots – 2 stalls of flowers, plants and a hot wet shave!

Cakes4Fun – cakes and cake-making accessories

Cards for Good Causes – charity Christmas cards

For the Love of Dog – presents for dogs

Fulham Football Club and Billy the Badger – FCC items

Grind Coffee Bar – coffee and hot drinks

Guillochon Gallery – prints and original artwork

Lantern-making workshop for children – make your own lantern

Lynne Connor – Christmas cakes and edible decorations

Mountain Warehouse – hats, gloves, scarves and lights

Physio4Life – 2 stalls offering fitness activities at the market

Portland Scallop – take-away fish meals

Pryors Bank Cafe – hot dogs

Putney Cycles – bikes and accessories

Putney Library and Putney School of Art & Design – local history publications, PSAD art work to buy

Putney Partnership – organiser’s information stall, find out about starting a business in Putney

Putney Rotary Club

Rump Kitchen – food

Ryness – Christmas lights and gifts

Sally@StMary’s – circulating with free mince pies throughout the market

Santa’s stall with Memory Gate photography

Shehans – gifts, jewellery and household items

Simple Silver – jewellery

Star & Garter – mulled wine

The Putney Society

The Stained Glass workshop – stained glass

Toy Stop – toys and gifts for children

Valentina Fine Foods – 2 stalls with festive Italian specialities

Virgin Active – giveaways

Wagamama – craft workshop for children, drawing competition, prize meals for children

Waitrose – 2 stalls with Christmas hampers and party food and wines

Whistle & Flute – beer, mulled wine and canapés

Young’s – Boathouse, Duke’s Head, Spotted Horse – Young’s beers

 We are grateful to our sponsors so far who include Barratt Homes, Chesterton Humberts, The Putney Society, Putney Rotary Club and Direct Traffic Social Media.

Putney GPs and the former Putney hospital site

Amanda Philpott, Chief Executive of NHS Wandsworth has issued he following press release:
“At the end of last week, the Putney GPs signed a 21 year lease, securing 1,600 sq metres of Carlson House located in the centre of Putney, on the Upper Richmond Road. The move brings together Putneymead Medical Centre, Balmuir Gardens Surgery and Disraeli Road Surgery as well as the osteopath, physiotherapy and sports injury specialists from the Putney Clinic on Deodar Road.  

NHS Wandsworth has officially declared the old Putney Hospital site surplus to requirements and begun the process of disposing of the land. NHS Wandsworth will circulate details of the land to neighbouring NHS organisations, NHS London and Wandsworth Council. At the same time, details of the site will be entered onto the Register of Surplus Public Land (visit Under NHS Estate Code guidance, if NHS Wandsworth receives no declarations of interest from a priority or other public sector organisation within 40 working days, details of the site will be placed on the open market. Please visit to keep up to date with our progress on the sale of the site.”

We understand that the proposal is to open the new combined practice will be operational from Spring 2011. It will be open between 8am and 8pm Monday to Friday as well as on Saturday mornings. Appointments will be available within 48 hours of request and the practice will continue to respond to urgent matters on the same day. It will be possible for patients to have access to a full range of GP and primary care services under one roof


New car club bay near 150 Felsham Road
The Council has recently set aside ten parking bays on local streets for the exclusive use of car club vehicles one of which is in Felsham Road in Thamesfield between Stanbridge and Farlow Roads. This is a useful location for shoppers and residents living in or visiting this densely populated area who don’t have a car and want to take home bulky shopping; employees in the town centre needing a car for occasional use for meetings but not wishing to commute by car and evening trips when you don’t want to rely on public transport late on dark winter nights etc.

Streetcar currently manages 31 hire cars parked on the street in the borough and a further 131 hire vehicles on privately owned property in Wandsworth providing increasingly good coverage. There are currently 10,000 local car club members, the second highest for a London borough. Those who swap car ownership for car club membership reduce congestion, ease demand on parking spaces and reduce exhaust emissions.,,


Aircraft noise
The clocks have just gone back and this means that there will be more and more flights arriving at Heathrow Airport before 6am.

There seems to have been a constant stream of flights coming over Putney at 4.30am for the past few weeks. This has been due to the need for night time maintenance work on the runways at Heathrow during the summer and into the autumn. We would normally benefit from the alternation of the runways but this has not been the case this year

There is a ground swell of opinion increasing to ban night flights altogether. There are those who say that business leaders need to arrive at Heathrow early in the morning to be at meetings at 9am. I have never been convinced by this argument when flights land at 4.30am and 5am.  

One of the reasons why there are landings in the middle of the night is because landing times are dependent on take-off times from the Far East. When asked why they do not reschedule the take off time to an hour later, the answer is that ‘we can’t because of the ban on night flights’ It does not make sense that we have to suffer.  

Not enough is being done for the residents of West London to reduce the noise of these flights. If we have to have flights landing so early the least the airline operators could do would be do what they can to change the glide path and thereby reduce the noise.

There are a number of hotlines to the airport operators, BAA, if you are woken at night. If you have a complaint contact BAA at

If you feel strongly please contact Justine Greening MP for Putney at

Putney Cards for Good Causes

Cards for good causes is now open in St Mary’s Church (in the tower) from 10am to 4.30pm Mon - Sat and from 1-5pm on Sunday 18 Nov and 5 and 12 December. Special late-night opening until 7.30pm at the Christmas market on 3 December. Volunteers will be manning the shop until 18 December selling Christmas cards, advent calendars, wrapping paper and other festive goods from more than 25 national and local charities.


Local Development Framework

The Council is consulting on its planning policies by which future planning applications will be determined. The consultation continues until 10 December and the proposed polices are available on line:

Development Management Polices ( and

Site Specific Allocations Document (

Comments can be made online via the following Alternatively, you can write in with representations to the Borough Planner at the Town Hall.

A member of the Council’s planning department will be attending a Putney Society meeting on 30 November in the Brewer Building, St Mary’s Church at 7.30pm. Members of the public are welcome.

Recent planning news

Tote House, 74 Upper Richmond Road (corner of Woodlands Way and URRd) (2010/2916)
There is little to report on this application for a part 4, part 8 and part 11 storey hotel containing 140 rooms and associated restaurant and bar. The case officer has requested additional information including an updated Travel Plan which has been submitted. Still awaited are details of employment viability, design and scale, access, and climate change mitigation. Subject to receipt of this the application is expected to be considered by the Planning committee on 7 December.
The planning officer is Rosalynn Claxton on 8871 8410.

Tileman House, Upper Richmond Road (2010/3019)
This application is for renewal of the original planning permission granted in September 2005. The consultation period is up with around 50 objections and the application may be considered on 7 December by the planning committee. 

A new application has subsequently been received for this site (2010/4520). The proposal is of a similar form to the scheme that was previously refused and dismissed on appeal (2009/1773).The application is for the demolition of the existing building and construction of new building between 6 and 12 storeys (refused scheme was 8-15 storeys) to provide 69 flats (refused scheme had 89 units), roof terraces and balconies. 780 sq.m. ground floor commercial floorspace flexible use for Class A1 (shops)/A2 (financial and professional services)/A3 (cafe/restaurant use) or B1 (office use); 1500 sq.m. office floorspace (Class B1) at first floor; basement car park of 73 spaces (2 at surface level for car club).
The case officer is Elma Vreken 8871 841. Confirmation of the level of affordable housing is awaited.

Brandlehow Primary School (2010/4390)
Children’s services have applied to remove a portakabin, timber structure and bicycle racks and erect a single-storey classroom on the boundary with Skelgill Road. This will enable them to accommodate the increased number of children who started in reception in September.
The case officer is Tabitha Lythe 8871 6632.

Ranelagh Estate, Horne Way (2010/3536)
The Council is applying to form a playground for children under 8 to the rear of Forrest House.
The case officer is Marisa Teuma 8871 6632.

253-255 Putney Bridge Road (2009/3929)
There is little further to report on the proposed demolition of existing buildings and erection of four storey frontage building (including basement and undercroft to provide access to rear), two retail (Class A1) units (total 155sq.m) and 183sq.m of offices (Class B1) and with two maisonettes above; erection of terrace of seven, three-storey plus basement houses at rear with parking in central courtyard.
The case officer, Richard Evans (8871 6644) has requested an improved Sustainability Statement from the applicants which is likely to take a little while to produce.


The Council has won two appeals against refusal of planning permission at 23 Sefton Street when the refusal of a large roof extension, extension over back addition and a new front dormer window in the roof was upheld by the planning inspector. Similarly, at 36a Putney High Street the Council’s refusal of a mansard style additional storey with pitched roof on top of the single-storey shop front at Headmasters has been upheld by the planning inspector. This 18 th century terrace hold a prominent position in the Putney Embankment conservation area.


Brownies and Guides Centenary

Putney’s Brownies and Guides have just celebrated their centenary year, with unique activities and fun opportunities for all their members. With 3 Brownie units each at full capacity with 30 Brownies there is a long waiting list proving that they are as popular now as ever. They would like to be able to offer any girl in the district who wants to join the opportunity to do so. They are keen to have another Brownie Pack (unit) and to reopen the Rainbow unit but can only do with adequate staff. The units meet at a variety of Putney locations throughout the week and they are looking for volunteer leaders to help them. No special experience or qualifications necessary! You must be over the age of 18, female and be willing to undergo a criminal record bureau (CRB) check and commit to a weekly meeting of approx 2 hours. Alternatively, volunteers can sign up to their ‘12’ hour challenge of providing 12 hours of help throughout the year – this might equate to helping once a month with shopping or accounts or helping at a summer fun day.

If you think you would like to get involved please email Jodie at

Free safety check for electric blankets
The Council is organising its annual safety check at local fire stations on 10 and 11 November. Around half of the blankets tested in the past were found to be hazardous! The checks are very quick, free of charge and could save your life. To make an appointment call 8871 7735 or email


Shared ownership scheme on the Putney Hill site of former South Thames College (Dominion Housing Group)

Information is now available about the affordable housing/shared ownership flats secured on the Putney Hill site. To find out further details



Entries are invited on the theme of MAGIC by 28 January 2011. From magical shots of everyday scenes to experimental images, all kinds of photographs, studio shots, computer-generated images, montages etc eligible. A series of workshops will run until January to inspire you and teach you new skills – from photography fireworks to taking pictures without a camera. Selected entries will be exhibited from 3 March. Prizes include a Panasonic digital camera and many other photo-related items. There’s a first prize, a young person’s prize and a group prize. For details of how to enter or call 8871 8711.

Join the photoWANDSWORTH group at


Highway matters

The resurfacing of the forecourts in front of the shops on the High Street is underway. The coating which is applied to the resurfacing will be carried out in the first week of November.

Until 7 November there are ongoing gas mains replacement works in Oxford Road which is restricted to a single alternative lane with 2 way lights between the junctions with Werter Road and Disraeli Road.

Upper Richmond Road is now open following just under four months of work to replace the gas main pipes by the gas company.

Further information on roadworks can be obtained from Don Ogunyemi on 8871 6712 or email

Police meetings and associated matters

The Thamesfield the SNT will be holding a drop-in surgery in Putney Exchange between 6pm and 8pm on Thursday 18 November and another in Putney Library between 6pm and 7pm on Wednesday 24 November. They will be holding a drop-in surgery at the Christmas market in Church Square on 3 December from 5pm-7.30pm.

The Thamesfield Ward SNT Panel sets the priorities for the policing team to follow in addition to the standard police force priorities of robbery and burglary. The panel have recently changed the priorities to reflect the high level of criminal behaviour in the town centre:

Offences of theft from pubs and restaurants
Theft of pedal cycles.

To contact the Safer Neighbourhood Team - 020 8721 2434 or on 07920 233924. In an emergency always dial 999. For all other calls to the Metropolitan police please dial 0300 123 1212. Register bikes and other valuables on to enable police to return it to you if it is stolen.

Putney Town Centre

Fego Caffe has opened in The Exchange opposite Waitrose in the former Whittards shop. This new brasserie style café is open from 8.30am for breakfast until the Exchange closes at 6pm. 

A new Italian restaurant, Cantinetta will be opening in early November at 162-164 Lower Richmond Road in the former Phoenix restaurant.

Paperchase plan to open in the shop formerly occupied by Joy on the High Street.

There is a new beauty therapy shop opened at 32 Lower Richmond Road to be called The Magnolia Room. Contact for more information

Cafe Rouge on Putney Bridge Road will be leaving soon and the premises will be occupied by a new restaurant - more to follow.

4C Developments
has refurbished the former Wine Rack premises at 155 Lower Richmond Road and will operate their business from here.

The Fox, 167 Upper Richmond Road, this is on the boundary of Thamesfield where an application has been made to extend the hours for the sale of alcohol and opening to commence at 09.00 hours (currently 10.00 hours, 12.00 hours on Sunday) and to remove conditions carried over from the old Public Entertainment Licence regime. The last date for representations is 3 November. You can report any concerns or complaints about a licensed premises via the following

Felsham Road recycling bank you can now recycle cardboard, food and drink cans, mixed glass, plastic bottles, food & drink cartons and newspapers & magazines behind TK Maxx. Any residents, and particularly those who live in a flat with limited space to store orange sacks, can deposit the above items in the recycling facility throughout the week. As it is a residential area the recycling bank should be used ONLY BETWEEN 8AM AND 8PM.

Please don’t dump your old clothes outside the charity shops in the High Street when they are closed or dispose of them in orange sacks – they can be recycled in Scope banks at Putney Leisure Centre, Leader’s Gardens or Telegraph Road. All textiles including curtains, bedding, towels, handbags, cloths, rugs and mats can be recycled here.

Markets: There are weekly Friday (11am – 8pm) and Saturday (9am-4pm) market stalls in Church Square hosted by Portland Scallops selling fresh wet fish and shell fish.

Events, activities and exhibitions

Fibonacci will be performing on Friday, 5 November at St Mary’s Church at 1.10pm. They will be performing two Beethoven Sonatas for violin and piano.

Remembrance Sunday takes place on 14 November. The service at St Mary’s starts at 10.45am in Church Square with the laying of wreaths and two minutes silence. There will be a parade from St Mary’s Church up the High Street at around 11.45am following the service. Details of the Help For Heroes campaign and how to support them can be found at

The 2010 Annual Putney Gala Ball will be held on Saturday 20th November. This black tie fundraising event at historic St. Mary's Church in the heart of Putney includes a three course dinner with wine, live music, and an auction full of great prizes to be presented by Penny Smith, former GMTV presenter. Tickets are £40 each and can be purchased online at Tables are also available for purchase. All proceeds from ticket sales will be used to support the local charities of Parish Action. For more information, contact Rebecca Peagram at

Putney School of Art & Design will be holding a slide lecture on Gauguin on 20 November at 7 for 7.30. The lecture will be given by Anne Woodham who lectures at the Tate where the Gauguin exhibition is being exhibited. Call 8788 9145.

The Parish Christmas Fair takes place on Saturday 27 November from 10.30am-2pm at St Mary’s Church with games, tombolas, food, gifts and raffle.

The Advent carol service is on Sunday, 28 November at St Mary’s Church.

For The Half Moon’s November programme - Now producing food, there is jazz every Sunday lunchtime from 1pm and families are welcome. Every Tuesday you can join the Half Moon pub quiz in the main bar with six people per team.

The Duke’s Head on Lower Richmond Road is offering stand-up comedy on Wednesdays. Doors open at 8pm, tickets £7 or £5 for concessions. Reservations 07966176049. There is a regular quiz night on Tuesdays at 8pm.

Cakes4Fun on Lower Richmond Road are running courses throughout November including a baking masterclass, festive cake-making and chocolate truffle-making and many other courses.

Eddie Catz above Halfords has a number of classes and activities for young children On 25 November they are running a seminar for mums wishing to start-up and grow a business.

Wills Art Warehouse on Lower Richmond Road will be holding a Christmas exhibition of the work of 10 artists selling art under £500. Open weekend of festive fun Sat 13 & Sun 14 Nov 2-5pm.

Putney Theatre Company at Ravenna Road, SW15 will be performing Angels in America by Tony Kushner from 2-6 November. Swanbank will be performing Children of Eden by Stephen Schwartz from 10 to 14 November. Further details 8788 6943, 8944 0023 or 8286 0229

Putney Music Society meets at 8pm in Dryburgh Hall. The speaker on 1 November Arthur Reynolds talks aboutEdward VII and Elgar. On 15 NovemberRivka Golani, an international viola player is interviewed by Robert Philip and on 29 November Vice-President John Amis provides an insight into Stravinsky and his world.

Regular daily guided tours and “feed the birds with the wardens” take place at the WWT London Wetlands Centre. Details from 8409 4400 or

The Putney Leisure Centre
in Dryburgh Rd provides swimming and a full range of activities

Details about the Putney Sculpture Trail located along the river from Leaders Gardens to Wandsworth Riverside Quarter can be found via the link below together with places to eat and drink en route

If you would like to do some gardening but lack a garden consider the Garden Partners scheme run by the Council in conjunction with Age Concern. Volunteers enter into partnership with a homeowner of 60 or more to cultivate their garden and share the produce with them. or call Sarah Jackson on 8877 8946.

The Putney Senior Social Group for over 60s meets every Monday at All Saints’ Church, Putney Common between 10 and 11.30am. They offer tea and coffee and homemade cakes. If you know of friends or neighbours you think may be interested in joining call Jo Warren on 07970 280172.

Regenerate-RISE provides lunches, activities, outings and spport for the over 60s, particularly those who are isolated. It operates from The Platt Christian Centre in Felsham Road. They also have a hairdresser open three days a week to anyone over the age of 60 at very reasonable prices.  They hold a cafe once a month on a Saturday open to anyone. For more information please email Mo Smith, Chair of Trustees, Regenerate-RISE at

There is a permanent exhibition about The Putney Debates 1647 in St Mary’s Church by Putney Bridge open Monday to Saturday from 10am to 4pm

Useful Numbers:

Details of the Minor Injuries Unit at Queen Mary’s Hospital can be found online

or call 020 8487 6499/6999. Evening smear test clinics now available for women who find it difficult to get to their doctor during the day held at the Minor Injuries Unit every Tuesday from 5.30-7.30pm. The clinics are by appointment only to women registered with a Wandsworth GP. To make an appointment call 0845 6026292.

Do help us keep Thamesfield ward in good shape by reporting instances of fly tipping and graffiti as well as broken pavements and pot holes.

Waste services – including fly tipping, street cleansing, missed collections, recycling.

Tel 020 8871 8558 Email

Tel 020 8871 7479 for recycling hotline.

Graffiti removal

Tel 020 8871 7049 Email

Broken pavements, potholes etc

Tel 020 8871 6708 Email

Noise hotline Email

Tel 020 8871 6170 (during office hours)

Tel 020 8871 7869 (outside office hours)

Future Thamesfield E-bulletins
As your local councillors we send out regular e-bulletins to update you on local news, information on our work and things of interest in our local community. To join, simply email and type SUBSCRIBE in the subject line. It’s free and you can unsubscribe at any time by emailing the address below with ‘unsubscribe’ in the subject line.

3 Summerstown, London, SW17 0BQ Tel. 020 8944 0378,
Promoted by Robert Morritt on behalf of Putney Conservatives, both of 3 Summerstown, London, SW17 0BQ

November 12, 2010