Putney Girl Keeps Tumbling To Success

Georgie Forbes is now British Tumbling Champion in 13-14 age group

Watch Georgie's winning run


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Congratulations to Putney High Student Georgie Forbes, who this weekend became British Tumbling Champion in the 13-14 year age group at the Echo Arena in Liverpool.

Georgie Forbes British Tumbling Champion 2017

Tumbling is a form of acrobatic activity that involves flips, jumps, rolls, somersaults and handsprings linked together into performance routines and usually performed on a padded floor and choreographed to music. In many ways, a tumbling routine is similar to the floor exercise in gymnastics, although it does not include as many elements of formal dance. Unlike the other elements of gymnastics, tumbling uses no special equipment such as a vault or pommel horse.

Georgie, pictured above told PutneySW15.com: "I'm really pleased with how the competition went this weekend. My gold medal makes spending the summer holidays in the gym worthwhile. I'm really looking forward to competing in Portugal and I hope it's sunny!"

Coach Kath Peberdy of Richmond Gymnastics Association said: " Georgie has worked really hard this season to master new and harder tumbles which she executed really well under enormous pressure at the British Championships to take gold. Her win is thoroughly deserved and particularly pleasing as she is in the younger half of her age group. She will now represent Great Britain in the Loule World Cup in Portugal in two weeks time where we hope she will continue her success."

Suzie Longstaff, Headmistress at Georgie's school, Putney High School told this website: "We are all so thrilled and delighted for Georgie. She performed brilliantly and is an inspirational role model for all of us at putney High School - we’ve all got our fingers crossed".

September 26, 2017

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